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However, have any of you seen Wild Kratts, I'm making an edit on them.

Like 5 years ago when I was still a kid.

like 8 years ago when I was 6

your 14?

Cool... Bro you're 14?? You sound 20 years old for Pete's sake 


I can sound like a 12 year old girl next stream if u want

you sound like a very bad old person that likes kids when you say it like that


Noo XD

bet ill be there

didnt someone say you have femboy voice

Honestly, Potato could probably do one easily...not even gonna lie

Definitely not.

(2 edits) (+1)

wild kratts is the best creation from PBS (other than dinosaur train, cyberchase, odd squad; old seasons not new, wordgirl, the cat in the hat knows a lot about that, peg + cat, biz kid$, the magic school bus, bill nye the science guy, kratts creatures, dragon tales, bob the builder; the VERY old seasons, pocoyo, curious george, and, of course, my favorite; arthur)

lol i grew up on all of these

wild kratts ๐Ÿ”›๐Ÿ”

yo wild Kratts  curios George and bill nhe the science guy are my top 3 

This might sound stupid but I used to be terrified by bob the builder bro he was just so…… uh not alive looking 

like I swear to god we donโ€™t need fnaf animatronics just put bob tyere instead bro nah not even fnaf put him in any horro game and it will actually scare people 

Like look at this :

So f**ing horrifying bro maybe I was just a scaredy-cat ass cat bro but u canโ€™t lie he does look menacing 

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that isnt scary lol

bro he was so funny though

(1 edit)

fax but …. That stare tho itโ€™s staring into my soul 

you must be my twin or something

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oh i remember it now that i saw the edit

I have and i love em

lol thats my fav childhood show

(dont ask why im up at 1am)

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1 am is early dw


lol fr

(1 edit)

Wild kratts? What that

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Great... MY FAMILY CAR (My dad uses it because his trail blazer needs a transmission or something, my mom used it cuz it's her car and well, I ride in the car with my mom) JUST GOT STOLEN AND TOTALED LIKE BRO IS IT CAUSE I LIVE IN THE HOOD OR SOMETHING? SMH

i live in the most ghetto neighborhood in the whole state of ny, can you guess what it is

Nah, I live in Columbus, so idk what city ur talking about

be happy two white ladies with no insurance didnt run over a black 5 year old and got away with it in columbus

Nah ggs stay strapped๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ

Gotta be

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the owner of was in my server one time

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wow, that is very lucky

Hes the one who make it possible to make us chat

Admin kid๐Ÿ’€

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pretty sure his pfp is just him as a kid lol

legally Iโ€™m 14 but family wise I am old enough to drink energy drinks, very concerned

prolly bout 300mg to pass out at that age 

bet, might not be able to walk in a few hours

Okay, I'm starting to think you're not the most healthiest person on Itch....

trust me, besides asthma and a heart disease, im pretty healthy(my gums are black from how much sugar i have a day)

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yeah youre cooked, say your last words and fly high ๐Ÿ•Š

im the chillest guy to have ever chille-

i had an energy drink once, it was fr scary how good it worked, then how nasty it felt a few hours after, and then the next morning ๐Ÿ’€

you live to tell the tale

ha you lot think thatโ€™s bad . I got dared to chug a whole jug filled with a concoction of 5 flavours of prime some random monster drinks and 2 red bulls at a sleep over with the boys …..

 Iโ€™m still ok th— *has like 20 strokes* 

(1 edit)

Why are your friends mixing up literal nuclear waste with drugs??


cuz…… most my freinds are brain dead……


(1 edit)

Reminds me of the time i chugged a 2 liter bottle of root beer in school

i continued to burp and p*ss for about 6 hours after that

lmao wtf 

have you ever had vodka mixed with pepto and painkillers

I never drink an energy drink

one of the lucky ones


(1 edit)

apparently theres a fallout green tea pomegranate energy drink flavor of AriZona that has 234mg of caffeine that I just drank.

feel like Iโ€™m gonna have an heart attack any minute now.

heres what it looks like:

drank two bottles of water and it didnโ€™t help a bit.

well it was nice knowing u tho

nice knowing you too godzilla

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Bro gained 3 rads ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ




ggs indeed

(1 edit)


Do tell me how u think of this mini boss and pls rate the art if u can or woukd like to tysm again Guys 


(1 edit)


ok I donโ€™t think any of u guys took notice of the post I made like a while ago 


Slight change with the rules make it some what. Linked to any of the narrow one maps so this is the one I did for halls 

THIS IS Khaesyr:

he is a Demi god who over looks the alt halls map he has been through all 3 of the alt halls maps the one wher itโ€™s a desalt waste land filled with snow and a couple look out tower and has been resserected by doing the fruit on that specific halls alt map ( like the one wher I jump on invisible tattoo signs or whatever idk) 

He will appear one you have completed all three of the fruits on both the original halls map and the 2 alts 

Remmber u must do them in this order :

1. The OG halls map fruit

2 the desalt waste land halls map that how u kinda awaken him or sum 

3 u must try to do the halls alt map with the huge hole in the roofs without getting knocked off by Khaesyrโ€™s huge tentacle claw arm things thatโ€™s shown in the image above 

After uโ€™ve done the fruit successfully Khaesyr himself will appear on the opposite side of where u are in the map so across from where the fruit is and leap out if the water (heโ€™ll do a odd super hero landing )

At that moment you shall gather your self up and fight Khaesyr the great ice wolf slayer (Demi god) .

U can use these bows :

1.  bow 3 (u can snipe from any other sides of the map easily no sweat and deal extreme damage)

2. Bow 6( same as bow 5 but u can do more Daneโ€™s from further away and not harm ur self )

3. Bow 5(can spray repeated arrows and deal a decent amount of damage if faced with head on )

4. Bow 4 (cuz itโ€™s a very agile bow )

After u get him down to 3/4 of his health heโ€™ll accidentally drop keys staff which u can use to deal damage to him with more agility and precision  but he will re gain his health if u dint continuously use his staff against him (note his staff has a cool down) 

Making the player have to switch from bow to melee in a swift action whilst still dodging his shocking punches which can throw the player at the same height as the boss himself

(Khaesyr  is about the same height as 3 and a half n1 players btw )

Khaesyrs attacks are :

1. Ground pound (very creative u know donโ€™t judge me pls T-T) this will do half the players health btw itโ€™s a very deadly move . Itโ€™s pound will last for 5 secs kinda like if u play Minecraft whne ur fighting the enter dragon itโ€™s breath though probably sprayed like an hour it does still deal damage to you? Yes ? Same stuff here .

2. Shock punch (this will stun the player slightly and make them move a bit slower than usual  and deal 1/4 of the players health )

3. Heโ€™ll just jump around :P (thatโ€™s kinda it just donโ€™t get stomped on )

4. Heโ€™ll use his staff and it will beam towards you  and if u gte hit by it u instantly die .

Oh and when he gets to like 1/4 health his horns will start to crack just aim at his horns and theyโ€™ll fall out and that can be used as a arrow to finally kill his once and for all .

his drops are 

1. His head PEICE the one with horns and the ice wolf and like his orange black mask thing

2. His staff this can be used as a heavy poost and a light poost just ta

 It lightly and ull be flung backwards like a light poost and if u hold it ull do more damage like a heavy poost  impaling ur enemies

The stats of his drops are :

For the weapon  itโ€™s :-

— 5 /5 attack strength 

—       4/5 reach 

—         3/ - -  Speed 

—       2/11 bloodlust 

For the helmet head PEICE thing itโ€™s:-

—  3/11 blood lust 

—  4 movement speed 

— 3 damage protection  


best killed with greek fire


very nice, very nice

What the hell I ain't reading all that

u donโ€™t have to… but pls rate the art just cuz ….. pls ?

Oh the art the arts is 7.4/10

not bad Ty 




(2 edits)

5th all-nighter in a row...I'M totally okay hehehehehehhhehehhhhh.


My cousins from Texas came over to California, so we've been spending so much time with each other, that we've ended up sleeping untill the next day(after 12:00 AM even till 3 AM watching movies or talking)'s happened 5 times now.


whitey :3333


I know thatโ€™s like a nick name or sum but I just woke up checked itch with droopy ahh eyes and this was the thing that caught my eye 

Ps :- Iโ€™m not racist I swear 

Take care of your health!

You good?

my streak is greater than yours, 19 days


sry im a lil late but hapy new years everyone :) 

You too :)

happy new year!!


U 2

happy new year ice


so for those who dont know:i'm officially,quiting from all that raging from dying over and over again against thees fucking 7-year-old tryhard noobs,and plus,i cant just only play narrow one,i MUST focus on other games to play,not just narrow one for the rest of my freaking life :/,so i actually never played narrow one on my OWN PC,i basicly played narrow on my shcool PC for better performance and higher FPS,but the reason why i'm quiting narrow one,is becus my school PC is reason why:it keeps turning me to way where i'd meet my death and from that causes me to rage over some STUPID SCHOOL PC+7-YEAR-OLD TRYHARDING NOOBS,so my school PC basicly wanted me to be a fucking narrow one noob,i seriously hope for respectful replyes,cus i really like narrow one,and i cant stop it,but i have to FOR NOW ๐Ÿ˜”



(5 edits)

Oh right...."respectful" replies for you.



if ur actually quitting (i honestly doubt it) i'll take ur account ๐Ÿ˜Š

Lol probably like only 4k+ coins for merging it.

brud im not giving u my account! samething for the others who asked me about giving my acc,SO I WONT GIVE TO ANY OF YOU

im gonna find you




(1 edit)

okay, have a nice life

id see why we should be respectful when ur not...


CAN i have ur acc

account giveaway when?

nobody really cares but okay

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blud said more cusses than he has prayers๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


good night/ morning everyone!! :D


good night!! :D


After two years without drawing, here is a sketch



Not bad, not bad at all

Very good

โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐ŸปU can do better

(1 edit)

I will say this is very nice for two years without drawing


Merry New Years!!


hai madara!! :D happy new year!

Fasho Starsket


Happy new year!

same to you Ryu




long time no see boii

merry new halloween



mmhhh...where is everyone?

(2 edits)

I'm currently in jail, again, for....reasons. They(peasants) want to have me executed, but I think I'll just dip....anyways where are you?



im currently at former president jimmy carters funeral. he made it to 100 so he got the insta-monkey. I am now on the run from the not so secret service. I think ill just no-clip through the floor and make it to china tho. wru?

no china just the pacific ocean

i think

Marrying 10 Ladys tommorow so kinda busy

(1 edit)

currently at your house under the baseboards of you basement waiting for the time to strike .___. where r u


me not have u not in my house.. (me know how to speak english)


currently I am stuck in a trash can cause I wanted to yk grab some food outta there but my ears got stuck soooo anyone willing to help me out ๐Ÿ˜ญ thereโ€™s a spider here too so.. HALP

how tf you got stuck in a trash can... alr either way, kill the spider first (whatever method you with, consumption, squishing, gas chamber, ect...) and then try to get out of the bin

I dunno man I was just looking for food :-: I was backing out but I got stuck also I ate the spider and I donโ€™t feel so good still stuck tho

how did the spider taste

moose. miss you. so many people have left. penguin isnt doing well. 

So that's what I heard struggling outside my cell....

Just left mars via a thermonuclear reactor (i blew myself up) and am now heading to heaven, how's you're day going?

in the sc server 


getting good at a good game

apparently im seeking you under ur bed 


very entertainment

concerning to say the least


might wanna go to therapy for that man

ye yu on that oil timing

oh just seeing ur address on the internet

itch is kind of boring so prob discord

lol, agreed, but u don't chat on PP server tho


r u still on dc? it's been a while i haven't se or talked to u

ye but my caring and loving family wants to spend time with me

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pp sucks ass bro


school, as per usual

ahem I just want to point this out….

what ppl think I cook :

what I actually cook ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ”ฅ:

If the vid donโ€™t work use this link :P getting hungry..hehe

very hungry


I just… …….no.. just no…. ๐Ÿ˜ญ 

bro said no

imagine saying the n word๐Ÿ’€

Gordon Ramsay would murder you.. 

The pic make me hungry

also happy new years everyone

u 2

locked in alien



U too

u too

U too

u too

U too


well who is this little big guy? uh oh, someone woke him up

omgg so adorbls

he is 1 going on 2 years old in march

omg <333

yep, got him last year and hes like 7 years old, he ate mad chocolate too and survived so maybe he really is the real Scooby Doo

omg…thatโ€™s so cute




Bad me

GGs Sniperboi 

(1 edit)

ggs nice pic fearless king chronyx 

sup homies itโ€™s hydro 

I have a question Iโ€™m hella low on coins rn at 2k T-T I started my personal Acc (itโ€™s my new one btw ) and havenโ€™t made much progress so I was wondering………

 what is the best map to get loads of coins ?

Pls say what maps u think and why cuz  idk your choice 

i think castle because it's easy to speedrun. arena and alleys are also quite simple.

Wanna play ยฟ

If castle were easy to Speedrun id be jeff bazos

If you want get coins fast bow 4 pick arena but it's boring so pick castle bc its easy and simple .

well me personally, I think that halls alt is the easiest because of that little hole in the roof, and if your lucky enough and get a server full of guests, then thatโ€™s double the coins

you can even get better at sniping players with b3

Gatehouse and graveyard best maps for grinding u can grind 2k in ~50 mins (if ur luck not sucks)


cheers guys Ty so much tho 

your welcome fellow human being

if you speedrun them fast enough with 2-3 flags per game each game taking about 2 mins, you would get hopefully 50 coins per game, then use the ad to double the coins, and get 100 coins per game, so 100 coins in 2 mins. that also means its possible to get

1k in 20 mins

2k in 40 mins

3k in 1 hour

4k in an hour and 20 mins 

5k in an hour and 40 mins

6k in 2 hours

7k in 2 hours and 20 mins

8k in 2 hours and 40 mins

9k in 3 hours

10k in 3 hours and 20 mins

Also this doesn't take into account the time of ads, time between games, and only works if you have perfect games. altogether fairly unreliable. I'm sorry if I'm a nerd lmao i suck at math

i hope all the data is correct, if not please tell me

-๐“œ๐“ป. ๐“›๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ฎ๐“ต๐”‚

That's why I said 50, I'll suggest to use gatehouse ma if u found any hacker who is using speed hacks just switch map to graveyard if u found any time consuming match than switch to arena, so switching matches is better for grinding and yeah I already grinded 2k in 40 mins lots of time, it's easy just try 

And yeah u will get ~60 coins if u capture all 3 flags, after ad u will get 120 

nothings good anymore

i would rec anything open that u can just kinda poost rlly fast away from ppl like graveyard and gatehouse

Gatehouse with b4 and best routes if you want to be a sweat/annoying person/hacker/idfk what/annoyed at narrow one's map picking system/need a lot of coins quickly.

arena works too

…….*speechless* ok so I… donโ€™t gte this many replies all at once so thanks for the notice and Iโ€™m really glad that some of u kinda care (idk u might not give a f*ck  ) so uh yeah Ty guys 

np bro, you still having trouble logging into this acc?

Wel ngl it isnโ€™t a problem logging back in itโ€™s more or less the fact that ..Iโ€™m guessing that we donโ€™t have our stuff still and btw just so yโ€™all know I did grind the 968 coins idk why I said that just thought it would be usefull for the Acc that ur prolly using rn :)) but yeah db has to start from square one again I would lend yโ€™all my account but since Iโ€™m using an old account of mine from school it really isnโ€™t letting me link anyone else onto it cuz it ainโ€™t giving me verification codes to share with people so …. This kinda was destined to be my personal Acc lol 

I still have all the stuff, the whopping 1k coins mostly disappeared tho, but all the fearless and items and stuff is still there so dw about that

I don't even know who he is but he has verification so I can take a photo of him.

breh, he is a utuber, show ur name


I have photo him



Sniperboi literally copying my font and the way my name is done...and he's not even in cs...

and he barelly even uses b3

I use b3 sometimes

(1 edit)

I'm in CS eternity said I'm in and ethan said too

how r u in cs if u don't have dc? ethan isn't in cs and eternity isn't part of cs anymore

Ethan said me say me Ethan idk why and I know eternity left CS

He let me in when he is in CS...

Bro u noob xD?

I'm not gonna keep this name bro

And I'm sorry this name *_*

who even is ethan?

Someone in cs

What?!? I died to fall damage....

happened to me once on forts...coudn't touch the ground without dying..i refreshed my game and everyhitng was pc though, might be smt different



very funny

Those who play on mobile can you give me advice to improve please?

(3 edits) (+1)

I use UI scale 0.9, and sensitivity 1.65. Easiest bow for mobile is b3, it's good for practicing.

Thanks :)

I use UI scle 0.5

Depends on what mobile device you use. Larger screens are better at lower UIs, while smaller screens tend to be better at higher mid-balanced UIs. In this case I'm guessing you use a tablet or Ipad.

Samsung Galaxy a7

Post me a pic of your controls on screen

I'm using full sensitivity and 1 ul scale ๐Ÿ‘€

B3 do that

Ur k/d better than me but I'll suggest to use bow 2 with 0 reloading speed atleast once a day and try to aim

Also the award for being most annoying is awarded to beestirm



100%, but not as annoying as when he used to use hacks from that F*cking idiot mannycodes about a year ago


Goo night/ morning everyone!! :D

Happy new year!!!

Hey broken, happy new year

-๐“œ๐“ป. ๐“›๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ฎ๐“ต๐”‚

Goo modning adn hahpy neu year


Good evening

When I woke up, I found that there was still an unwritten test paper๐Ÿฅฒ

That's very saad

The test paper was not collected, and we were saved๐Ÿ˜†

Eso es bueno. 

How do you know that I can speak a little Spanish and this is the phrase I learned a few days ago๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ’€


Alr, what do you guys think?


did not play bow 1 for a long long time i starting getting better for no reason


1- why? :(

Actually  -2 now :D

-3 now ๐Ÿ™‚



Noo, -4

Hey db, i know you are still away, but when you get back i need to talk to you, i need some answers asap.

 thanks for your time,

-๐“œ๐“ป. ๐“›๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ฎ๐“ต๐”‚

Hes mostly online on discore so get discord you can install it or go on website version :p

i don't have an acc, thanks though

-๐“œ๐“ป. ๐“›๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ฎ๐“ต๐”‚

hey Iโ€™m gonna be back in  4-3 days

Whatโ€™s it abt?

alr so i saw someone with my username on m8m6, was thinking it was someone in the acc, all he said was "K" and then a few seconds later "Kk" exactly worded like that, wondering if you know him or let someone else into the acc, or if someone is just faking me. ill show you something similar to his skin when you get back

thanks for your time bro, don't worry ab  this until your vacation is done,

-๐“œ๐“ป. ๐“›๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ฎ๐“ต๐”‚

ohhh ok

Only u and hydro have acc tho


Iโ€™ll see later

515000 for full fearless for me

no way


what fearless do u have? 





Total=1.27million         So u grinded 700k, i don't believe u

Bro I mean I need grind that much but -200,000 N1 coins 

I need grind 320,000 N1 coins

r u even in CS?

I have fearless bows but not all them

can yuo get discord?

I get it when I get pc so maybe soon

ok..wat did u just buy?


600k for sc 

might become 250 k if the devs have some soul 

When 1v1 for sc

I might ask 70 if I can 1v1 people if they want to get in

Wow mad respect for the grind






increasing post


I have got pieces of seashell stuck to my foot after being on the beach๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

wash urself?

Did it

Deleted 40 days ago

300+ babies already๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

1000+ now prolly


Cheers everyone! ๐Ÿพ

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happy new year ๐ŸŽŠ 

u 2 !!


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