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every body in  69 calling me a noob when I had 78 kills๐Ÿ’€

what's ur n1 name? maybe cuz of the number of deaths

they called you a noob because they had 79 kills

cuz ur wearing dmg prot head ๐Ÿ’€

gear โ‰  skills 

so.. tbh fearless doest makes someone good/should be respected (you should respect people anyways)

what i mean is that bro's wondering why people call him  giving him a reason

Deleted 36 days ago
Deleted 36 days ago


(1 edit)

Sup homies its Hydro 

Ok Iโ€™m sorry people but who the actual fuck is this guy yo Iโ€™ve seen him almost every single time on itch and idk wtf he says or why he  has to delete his own message let alone  the fact that I donโ€™t even know who he even is !?!?!

hey hydro its probably just showing the deleted posts from everyone, just not showing their pfp or account name


my bad I was born yesterday lmao 

(1 edit)

Me sry..

Imagine this comment gets deleted lol

(1 edit) (+1)

bro i gotta be honest chronyx….why u so toxic??? 

*note* if you get mad cuz im posting this shit out idfk whats wrong then ok. i aint tryna beef or start an beef rn 

Deleted 36 days ago

nah on his acc :d

Oh, well thatโ€™s only toxic if itโ€™s not true. And there seems to be like 3 snipers by flag (including you) so doesnโ€™t look too useless.

yeah but the snipers ain't tryna protect me while i flagrush...

*i tryed alright*


ty ty

im just saying the truth....

mb..i'll try and stop..ig

Breh, you and Potato keep picking on Lil bro Chronxy.

Ye fr fr. He's just an honest man.

Deleted 36 days ago

no lol, I just don't like how mean they are to him

fr(Im glad that we can agree on one thing)

1 thing, do we argue or smt??

Deleted 48 days ago

no its a good opinion but idk





Mu pro



appreciate it

the match up is crazy, rip, but honestly donโ€™t feel bad, half of those players on the red team used to melee spam


Hi guys :D hru





Good morning, feeling better?

somewhat better

good morning! โ˜€๏ธ


Good! Ty


I am good, thanks! How about you?

(3 edits)

my life is draining away with each breath I take, and with each inhalation, my body gets weaker and weaker. sooner or later, I will become nothing but a corpse to feed the world as life continues on and on, slowly but surely forgetting my very existence. until I am nothing more but a nobody on a rotting planet we call our own until we make a grave mistake and erase all of humanity or our very father star that kept us alive from the very beginning of this hell-forsaken solar system has cannibalized his very own young for the hunger that will never end until his very demise from his own cannibalism, exploding in a fiery, yet beautiful display for all the dead and young star systems out there to remind them of their same exact demise. a never ending cycle until this vacuum of space finally rips and destroys everything it has created.

โ€“>(In summary, Iโ€™m cramping but I donโ€™t exactly bleed since I was born with a subway sandwich :P)


B1 is really hard to use, but I guess it remain my favorite bow on this game. Very well made and optimized webgl build. Super fast to launch, at it download everything on background. Very well done !


Dawg what is thot vs simp๐Ÿ’€

Ok, :P, i just wanted to know what everyone's opinions on b1 were. I personally don't like b1 but everyone is different, have a great day. :D

I love it

Thx :D

Deleted 48 days ago

What does that mean?

bow 1 shouldnt get removed bro, im not tryna have bow 4 be bow 3 ๐Ÿ’€

oh yeah thatโ€™ll be weird


i use b1 a lot, and i dont mind the other players who use it. all the haters are overblowing how annoying it is lmao

Fr fr i mean no hate

(1 edit)

you know, Iโ€™ll take my follow back thank you very much.(Iโ€™m joking please I need followers)


this is the guys first post here 

Yeah... ๐Ÿ˜…

Deleted 48 days ago

b1= noob....i only use b1 to not get 2 rusty with it

doesn't mean noob if player is good. is not about bow, is about player

uhmโ€ฆ. what?

ok since you dont know:

bow 1 is very controversial and polarized weapon in the game's community, either use and support it or hate and petition to remove it

FN4X for 1v1


Does anyone know the T7 server pls!!!!!!!

Show post...

uhh no i left it,just ask in pelican party general

yeah i have it

B1 sucks, and it's like the only bow nobody professional uses. The day somebody wins an official n1 tournament with only b1 I'll give away my account for free.

(1 edit)

B1 is good bow but it's bad npc guests cuz they spam. I'm good B1 when game not lagging too much it's kinda simple use B1 pc cuz ur mouse moves quickly but if u don't use mouse pc or computer you lose all good things B1 wat your practice.

Kinda you need better armor than 17/20 2 regen.

My guide: use 3-8 Regen cuz them helps your HP and use 9-15 speed cuz you don't need that fast skin if you don't have any regen. 

And I know the spammer thing.

it aint good at all -__-

For me it is

(1 edit)

bruh itโ€™litterally banned from tournaments

Ok, can you tell me why and how many people decided on banning b1?

Deleted 36 days ago

even my dog with b3 is better than b1

๐Ÿ’€which ones? clan or pelican official ones

B1 is gay

Sure I'll do it somehow (I'll try)

(1 edit) (+4)

Hmm is this true?

PS: I didn't know it would cause this big a ruckus lol sry about that ^_^


B1 is too difficult to control for people who play other bows.Only when all three arrows are hit can one be killed,and its accuracy is disgusting.

ๅŠ ๅ…ฅB2็ฅžๆ•™ๅง๐Ÿ™

Ye fr


(1 edit)

b2, b3, b4, b6 >>>>>>>>>> b1

Where is the bow5? Is it isolated?(


 It's high fire rate and low accuracy limits the bow to close quarters. Then the melee switch speed is decently quick, so now you have people who speed blitz with spam. Also the damage is HIGH, it deals more damage than a b2 body shot with a single head hit out of 3 arrows.

That's right. My opinion is just personal๐Ÿ™Œ

Bow 4 in house


Good night/ morning everyone!! :D

Good night


Good night Broken God :D

Good night!


yey, itch working 

havobbb!! was good :D! hru. im glad ur bac. soon... the 1v1.. hehehehe.. i will get revenge on the last time i 1v1ed u. over a year ago ._.

Does naju every play anymore?

It would be like trashing a grave for you.. ๐Ÿ’€

Probably would be 10-0 or something against me, lol

nah it'd be target practice โ˜ ๏ธ

unless you or me 1v1 hi in counter strike . . . bro would have hard time with recoil and cross placement, movement everything ๐Ÿคฃ


good night!! :D


Good night

stream tmrw most likely

(1 edit)

on twitch?

no on the hub

yes ofc itโ€™s on twitch



k i'll try to watch



What's the topic....b1 hate?

ltg style b1 rant?



hello guys

Deleted 49 days ago

Hello! How are you doing?



Hi havoc


Iโ€™m free and pissed off

Why? u pissed off

i stubbed my toe, i loss the charger to my drawing tablet, and i have cramps.


damn good luck with all that. Depending on the tablet, u might just be able to use a replacement. Also I have no idea how cramps feel like i have the superpower of never getting them, so i wish u the best of luck with that

good news, found another charger, bad news, I have no chocolate to save me


Dumb luck.



After around four hours of tomfoolery with my web browser, I can finally access!







Welcome back





wbbb :DD


Welcome back!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

wsg homie


Nothing much cuh wbu homie ?

- Hydrocholorostorine 


nothing much, just had popcorn when my doctor said no butter


innit (itโ€™s still hydro btw just got un grounded so back on me Acc now lol)



lol (that is very nice, may i ask why were you grounded?)


yo havoc hi




Hi how you doing

I'm doing great, thanks for asking! How about you?

Good thx



Everyone's dreams:

Average noob's dream:

Naju's dream:

last wan made me lol

w dream

my dream: meet farrlands, nayu, (stry :( maybe), blood, costa, casual gang server idiots, so many n1 people ๐Ÿ˜ญ


sry farlands, but i needa make the joke: fartlands..btw don't worry i'll do it to zay as well: Gayfox

did i get kicked from that server??

...who are you?

(1 edit)
rip mb. i forgot i had sc loged in. it was me tho.

i think you should still be in it unless you left lmao

Show post...

ayy same but sc server on top


??? i stilll got it

Why's your tablet built like a reduced rectangle.

that aint my tabletjust the wall on the map 

Iโ€™m dead

Show post...

ew b1

I just noticed it

Deleted 49 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

and replaced it with fireworks repeating crossbow with 20 rounds and recoil pattern

Bro is so right ngl


isnโ€™t the last oneโ€™s everyoneโ€™s dream?

I agree with youre dream



so like.. i mentioned once that i write stuff hopefully tiny you see this and uh i wrote some more BUT just a warning beforehand its a little dark.. not super dark but a lil bit for those who get queasy. its crazy short and i wrote it in like 10 mins so uh.. ignore the grammatic errors + bad word choice.

READ AT YOUR OWN RISK but enjoy nonetheless

Heh...what goes on behind screen.

o_O mhm?



fr tho this is good, keep it up :D

tytyyyy :DDD 

Rabbi itโ€™s hydro

 I have to say I can tell that I were listening to die with a smile while u wrote this (typed rather) cuz itโ€™s the only song that fits perfectly for this lil story? Price? Letโ€™s say peice of literature. 

Ps: ngl Iโ€™m being honest when I read the first two paragraphs I thought she was holding some sorta anime goofy ahh huge sword like this -

And then I read the rest and I was like oh 0-0 it was a knife ? Bruh ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ 

Extremely good writing tho this white fire asf 

— Hydrocholorostorine 


LMFAOOOOOO tytyyyyyyyyyy she def died with a smile tho 

lmaoooooo (still hydro btw finally got back my Acc , I was grounded T-T)



TvT oops

thatโ€™s super well written, I had so much fun reading ๐Ÿ‘

tysmmm :DD 

thatโ€™s a kink to some people man-


Iโ€™m so deadass(excuse my language) but people actually stab their partners and get off to it, one of my very very VERY old brothers are into that(heโ€™s like 34 idk why I said three veryโ€™s)

holy shit ๐Ÿ’€ maso moment

gg snap dragon and jelly fish

56k kills beat!


easy, 126k

bruh he's just saying.

he just likes to flex dw


ok, godzilla, stop arguing and thinking ur cool, u think because everyone is hating on me means u also can, but pls, i don't wanna argue with u , i just wanna be friends, but it is kinda true i like flexing even tho thre'e about 50 players better than me

trust me thereโ€™s a lot more than 50

what? im just saying my opinion? and ofc i too dont wanna argue with u but u take what i say as its like calling u like a npc icl

umm, ok, i didn't understand, he said 56k beat, so i thought he wanted us to beat 56k kills, so i did

dw I get you Chronyx, you're the goat โค

that's a bit of an overastatement

(3 edits)

whole new meaning to โ€œgetting put to sleepโ€



i play this game and eat dezz nutz 

you make me wanna commit the unthinkable.




thanks for following me :)


"my 13th reason" ahh

no cause why am i also reading that book๐Ÿ˜ญ


i like this

Good morning!


(1 edit)


Good afternoon




— Hydrocholorostorine 

Good night!

I have no idea why people dislike this but alright

okay, so thankfully I donโ€™t have cancer


BUT, apparently I was โ€œtoo overstimulatedโ€ and that caused my seizure, I told the doctor about my headaches and he gave me migraine medicine along with the pills so I donโ€™t get overstimulated again. tomorrow I will be out and about my friends

It's better to observe the condition for a while

ik, but the doctor says Iโ€™m fine so Iโ€™m confused also

Hmm, I've never  felt overstimulated...probably cuz I handle my things in quiet places alone. Heh, I do get lonely sometimes though...and I overthink things.

yeah, ive never had a seizure from being overstimulated, never even thought that could happen until now


cya when you are out


donโ€™t know why someone also dislikes me finding out that I donโ€™t have cancer but who ever down voted is actually a ะณะปัƒะฟะฐั ััƒะบะฐ and needs to get a life.



chicken butt

Again what?

thatโ€™s great!

very great


yo this is db on a new itch account i have fixed the problem steven and hydro pls respond so i can code u up

:D im back

ok nice wb db

Wsg db

welcome back!! :D


Remember this name, N1/ESKELETRON, as I aspire to become another professional. Any advice?

Deleted 36 days ago

but your name is the rizzler of oz??

Deleted 36 days ago

no, it just seems kinda hypocritical that youโ€™re talking about his user when you have the name โ€œthe rizzler of ozโ€

Thank you for your opinion, this will help me improve.

(6 edits) (+1)

Master all poosting techniques, 180, switch, and even edge/object poost. Learn to strafe and dodge, but most important of all....Practice. The more people you fight, the more universal your skill becomes, and the easier you'll adapt to become a Pro. Cause despite having a year of 1v1s and experience I'm not a Pro, heh, and it'll take some dedication.


Poosting, practice aim, get a good bow and skin stat

Don't listen to anybody who thinks they're the best coach in the world. Grow and develop at your own pace.

.. And yeah, take that N1 out of your name. Kinda makes you seem like an NPC.

(1 edit) (+2)
its so funny how 9/10 of the players witj N1 in their name are fake. but weve all done it before loll

Yeah, XD

Thanks for your opinion, I like the sincerity.

Iโ€™m serious your not in N1


I already gave myself a better name, what do you think?

Very nice. I love it.

Good night/ morning everyone!! :D


good night!! :D

Good morning pls be online more

(1 edit)

gn bg(brokengod for all those freaks out there)



...that uhm i saw that person in m8 not sure who but laptop acc if that helps and just fussing over spud hating b1 and just kinda.. like ig making fun of him a lil bit 

no es me


who tf is on my acc ( and stevens acc and hydro and blood)

even my bro isnt on it

LMFAO it aint bloods buddy.. it wasnt bloods the moment you started letting people into the acc...

itโ€™ll always be bloods 

Just wanna make sure he knows that

yeah.. i hope he is doing well


...well uhhh doesnt quite seem that way..

(1 edit)

i never should have joined it... im sorry

donโ€™t be sorry, idk why you are but donโ€™t be

not completely your fault. its my fault too, and a couple others just shit started piling up and it just ig broke everyone 


Deleted 49 days ago

check comment below

Lets find that person

M8 so empty!

fr it's been kinda quiet there

maybe all the spammers are leaving?




the fact that he did it so smoothly is crazy

Melee spammer vs b4 pro be like



no tournament today, my doctor is gonna check me out and see what happened

hope u doing good

I hope too, donโ€™t want cancer at my prime


no way bro gets cancer as a teen

and so??? 

you do realize anyone at any age can get cancer correct?

ik, but it's just sad to get cancer as a teenager


but what so confused

He passed out like three days ago, and he's been in the hospital since then. Apparently, he hadn't been eating very well or something else could've contributed to his visit in the hp.

oh... not good

is it likely that you have cancer?

runs in my family so maybe

wait i thot this was drama


Hopefully nothing too bad.

yeah, probably because I didnโ€™t really eat that week

ahwww gws gwss will be praying for ya :DD stay safe rest well and dont forget to prioritize yourself when u can


thank you

(1 edit)

hopefully youโ€™ll be all right… ๐Ÿ™

I hope too

Get well, although I also have a cold๐Ÿ™


What happened

a lot



hi guys! im new here. how do i get better a narrow! please i need advice ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

(1 edit) (+1)

Try playing is squad code M8M6, but ignore the chat. Find which bow suites u the best, EXCLUDING BOW 1, and work to get good stats on that bow. If u need help with any stats just ask us. Also do NOT spam. Thereโ€™s also an advanced technique called poosting. U might feel discourage learning it, but itโ€™s the best of the melee slot on arguably, every bow. If u need anything more specifically. Just ask us.

mb i forgot about that vid 


welcome to narrow one, i would suggest watching some video's from pro's/legends in the community, i will post their channels and some of their video's that could help you here

i would also recommend watching gameplay of pro's like Qoo or Snadow Blackmill 

Qoo - Narrow One - YouTube

Narrow One - Levels (Short Montage)

Have fun in narrow one, if you join the code m8m6 there are a lot of people there (they can sometimes be really rude so don't pay attention to what they say)

That's a great video for the basics of

their gameplay doesn't really "teach" one how to get better

Nah it's more like really basic tips.

no spam

donโ€™t be like my cousin

(1 edit)


welcome to narrow one!

(1 edit)

a few tips:

counter strafe 

dont always full draw bow

jiggle and move unpredictably against snipers 

look away from a faraway target but keeping them in the corner of the screen to magnify them

crosshair placement is great if outnumbered but in indivudual fights can cost you as you do too much damage against an opponent

(2 edits)

You also do that? I also use my fov to magnify players, and I use 3rd person to look around safely.

Deleted 36 days ago

Dont main bow 1 or scout and dont spam

if I was you, I would practice b4 and b6, once you learn how to use those two your basically a god, unless you wanna go the semi-smart route like I did and practice b2,b3, and b4 and lose skill is all three of those bows

wazzzaaaa chat so umm..

me and havoc playing on weekend some games if yall want yall can join (idk what game tho..)


ohhh Iโ€™d like to join

ohhhhhhhh i didnt see sorry :( but we kinda both were busy so we can play ummm on Tuesday

day 3, the food is decent now, Iโ€™m getting eggs and pancakes now, still feeling bad though

(1 edit)

mmmmmm pancakes ngl i want some now


lol hi


what hapened?

seizure ig idk

(1 edit)

no meat?!? <:O

Hope you get better soon!!

I hope too man, thank you

What does pancakes taste like

it taste like cakes made in a pan



update on the code, It was 1k coins, and slipper king got it (I think) and ye he deserved it. he did abt 95% of the tedious stuff.


Hey guys!I am the warrior of N1CN,so i can be the tester now!

If anyone wanna join our clan,u can 1v1 against me ,just get the score of 7-10 (at least)then u can join,if u get the score 10-10with me ,u can be a warrior like me.

congrats on becoming a tester! ๐ŸŽ‰

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