summary: use 20 speed 4 regen, 6 dmg 4 reload or 5 damage 5 reload, use orange blunt melee, trident poost, or meta/gatehouse poost
20 speed, 4 regen is a necessity. Any less is a disadvantage. 4/5 regen is meta rn. 5 is better but I would recommend 4 for new b4 players just for aim practice and preventing spam, and has more options for drip. Use the leftover stats for damage and damage only. If u need aim training use stun but avoid travel speed at all costs. Melee is the most interesting part of b4 stats. Poost actually is t the best option. Light blunt is. The orange baseball bat is the best, especially with 20 speed. It does feel decently inconsistent, but it is the best b4 melee. Thor’s hammer isn’t as good as it has -1 reach, and speed is useless as u need to animation cancel the melee anyways to make it work. For poost, there’s an argument for every single one. In order from best to worst
1. Trident. Does a lot of dmg, and is the easiest to combo with. Doesn’t need much reach since it’s b4. Overall the best poost option. Does half health. Good combos
-Head, melee, body
-melee, feet, melee
2. Meta/fearless. Has slightly more distance, but less damage. Combos are harder to pull off. Only recommended if 1v1 opponent using trident 20 speed b4. Does 40%hp Good combos
-head, head, melee
-melee, body, melee
3.gatehouse. It’s perfectly average. Goes too far distance, gets speed capped too much. Only good for trolling, racing, and stuff like that. If u manage speed it can be #2 but it’s way too hard. Also has 0 speed so it feels kinda “heavy does 20%hp There are no good combos other than pray and spam headshots since it does almost no damage
4. Godendag. Speed stat makes it too fast and feels rushed. It’s not bad, but everything else is better. Does half hp. Same combos as trident
5. Tree branch. Huh I wonder why. I am currently using this melee on b4, as it’s essentially anti spam melee, since it’s trident without the damage. Good for aim training which is why I use it rn.
If u need strafing tips or stuff like that just ask and I’ll probably answer
not short for "dick point". "D point" refers to a point players tried to take in warthunder. it was removed but radio comms still had option for it. used frequent so its a meme about capturing this certain point.
so u want to stay in the center as much as u can (obviously), but there are some maps with hidden places where u can access the circe without being in the main part. By far the most broken map for this gamemode is jungle, and theres absolutely no contest. Even if u play jungles normally without any funny stuff, the stair make it impossible for the other team to get up, especially with b2,3 with high regen. However, if u get on top of the main part of the thing in the center, theres a tiny spot where ur basically immortal and u can still get time. The catch is u cant easily kill anybody, and u need pretty high speed. If u get lucky, u can use gatehouse with 1 speed and almost pixel and frame perfect timings to barely get on, which is what i reccomend with 15 regen b3, 7 focus (makes snipes REALLY easy) and 1 speed. if u want u dont need the focus but it rlly helps. Id say the lowest regen that’s still good to use is 10
I call this strat "smuggling" as it feels rlly similar to a strategy in mario kart where u bring an op item, in this can regen bow3, to a place where its not supposed to be, the top of jungles, which carries the entire game
Soak the rabbit in salt and water for at least one hour.
Preheat oven to 350F degrees.
Pat dry the rabbit.
Season inside and out with salt and pepper.
Mix the sausage, oatmeal, celery, carrots, mushrooms, apple, egg, sage, rosemary, parsley and onions (optional cranberries) together in a mixing bowl. Stuff inside the cavity of the rabbit.
Tie closed with cooking twine.
Place rabbit in a casserole baking dish, surround with excess stuffing inside foil, add well-seasoned beef stock, bay leaf and cook for 1 3/4 hours, or until tender.
Dear Miss Rabbit,
I’ve been acting very irrationally and rude to you. I’ve told you that I hate you, but I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry….pls say you accept.🙏
I’ll do one thing for you if you want me to.
Noobs are stupid. I joined the new game mode match and NOBODY except me was actually literate. Like some people don’t even know how to play, die 20 times, and they still join and fill in lobbies.
i have no idea how this works,one match is 12 mins and another is 1 min, anyways im just chilling and getting coins for being in a match and listening to music so im not complaining
😭 bro i hop on pubs for like a match for a break and it takes a good 20 mins cause the nubby guy just grabs the flag and tries to cap it in the wrong spot
It is difficult to understand new things, especially when some young players come here without being familiar with shooting games. I am actually one of them () I still remember the first time I came here to play the castle map.
took me 12 mins for 200 coins, creepy joined at one point but left rly fast leaving me to just afk and listen to music xd its pretty chill and if you get an empty match you can just afk and move every now and then not to get kicked because you get +1 point for every second in the circle, apparently you need to be in the circle for 250 seconds to win but that's around 4 mins and i was in for at least 8 so idk anymore, should still be an easy way to get coins because you can literally just afk in the circle if its an empty match
please dont joke abt this kinda stuff.. next time just dm me and dont bring it here cause u dunno what others are going through and might see this as rude
i think b4 and 5 are the best,b4 makes up (a little bit) for the low sensitivity and b5 kills fast if you have good aim so not much need to turn you camera
saying this because even with 5 sensitivity in game it still takes like 2.5 seconds to turn around 180 degrees which makes 180 poost impossible but at least switch poost is possible and pretty easy
anyways anyhow its pretty fun to play like this, might even start playing the game again fully
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my god I love writing entire dissertations on stuff I like
what kinds of things?
whats a good bow 4 combo ty
0 now stats no arrow stats
summary: use 20 speed 4 regen, 6 dmg 4 reload or 5 damage 5 reload, use orange blunt melee, trident poost, or meta/gatehouse poost
20 speed, 4 regen is a necessity. Any less is a disadvantage. 4/5 regen is meta rn. 5 is better but I would recommend 4 for new b4 players just for aim practice and preventing spam, and has more options for drip. Use the leftover stats for damage and damage only. If u need aim training use stun but avoid travel speed at all costs. Melee is the most interesting part of b4 stats. Poost actually is t the best option. Light blunt is. The orange baseball bat is the best, especially with 20 speed. It does feel decently inconsistent, but it is the best b4 melee. Thor’s hammer isn’t as good as it has -1 reach, and speed is useless as u need to animation cancel the melee anyways to make it work. For poost, there’s an argument for every single one. In order from best to worst
1. Trident. Does a lot of dmg, and is the easiest to combo with. Doesn’t need much reach since it’s b4. Overall the best poost option. Does half health. Good combos
-Head, melee, body
-melee, feet, melee
2. Meta/fearless. Has slightly more distance, but less damage. Combos are harder to pull off. Only recommended if 1v1 opponent using trident 20 speed b4. Does 40%hp Good combos
-head, head, melee
-melee, body, melee
3.gatehouse. It’s perfectly average. Goes too far distance, gets speed capped too much. Only good for trolling, racing, and stuff like that. If u manage speed it can be #2 but it’s way too hard. Also has 0 speed so it feels kinda “heavy does 20%hp There are no good combos other than pray and spam headshots since it does almost no damage
4. Godendag. Speed stat makes it too fast and feels rushed. It’s not bad, but everything else is better. Does half hp. Same combos as trident
5. Tree branch. Huh I wonder why. I am currently using this melee on b4, as it’s essentially anti spam melee, since it’s trident without the damage. Good for aim training which is why I use it rn.
If u need strafing tips or stuff like that just ask and I’ll probably answer
i use 5 stun and 5 load. it's more useful for catching carriers than combat or slowing pursuers for me.
5 reload 5 attack if you like spam, 3 reload 7 attack if ur goated
this one is 17 speed, 4 regen with 5 attack and 5 loading
watts remember when you mentioned how you frolicked around on halls map and listened to cornfield chase? DAM ITS A FIRE SONG
me u texted the same time lol
meh millers planet is better
What is this music app🤔
apple music
Thank you. By the way, are there any other commonly used music app?
Spotify might come to mind
Spotify also works
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4 months later
real bloody good
new gamemode be attackin the d point?
not short for "dick point". "D point" refers to a point players tried to take in warthunder. it was removed but radio comms still had option for it. used frequent so its a meme about capturing this certain point.
Motivational vid for the day? Anyone mind if I do this...
ohh ik this guy :D he’s really cool and keeps me low key less messed in the head
why are u messed though?
great question… idk 😭 just life hard ig
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seen this guy before
Not a bad b5 game by any means. I got a ton of carrier kills, but blue had some nice teamwork for the last flag.
KOTH grinding guide
so u want to stay in the center as much as u can (obviously), but there are some maps with hidden places where u can access the circe without being in the main part. By far the most broken map for this gamemode is jungle, and theres absolutely no contest. Even if u play jungles normally without any funny stuff, the stair make it impossible for the other team to get up, especially with b2,3 with high regen. However, if u get on top of the main part of the thing in the center, theres a tiny spot where ur basically immortal and u can still get time. The catch is u cant easily kill anybody, and u need pretty high speed. If u get lucky, u can use gatehouse with 1 speed and almost pixel and frame perfect timings to barely get on, which is what i reccomend with 15 regen b3, 7 focus (makes snipes REALLY easy) and 1 speed. if u want u dont need the focus but it rlly helps. Id say the lowest regen that’s still good to use is 10
I call this strat "smuggling" as it feels rlly similar to a strategy in mario kart where u bring an op item, in this can regen bow3, to a place where its not supposed to be, the top of jungles, which carries the entire game
gatekeep this so random npcs dont find out
You put alot of effort for a weekly game mode lol. That’s cool
ewy. Focus. Is. Nasty.
u bout to become hairlessbonelessskinlessrabbitstewinabroth if u say that again
aight listen up focusisfuckisfuckinguselessiplaywithtrackpadand133fovcallmecrazybutfocusisuseless
Stuffed Rabbit Recipe
2 lbs rabbit, wholeDIRECTIONS
I prefer rabbit stuffed with potatoes.
yo W recipe, ima use it when i see rab- i mean uh for when im hungry
I don't like stuffed rabbit,just rabbit would be good
Btw focus is trash
abus this while u can the devs nerfing the size soon
new game mode yay
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Dear Miss Rabbit, I’ve been acting very irrationally and rude to you. I’ve told you that I hate you, but I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry….pls say you accept.🙏 I’ll do one thing for you if you want me to.
It’s alr :( we all get upset and mad sometimes but I’m willing to forgive :D I accept ur apology 🩶
It's good to know your mistakes and correct them,!
yall 💀 this was a joke aight me and mossey are chill asf we close
fr rab ma fren :>
i was gonna start yelling cus i just saw that post then saw this 😭
lol dw i would never say smth abt rab like that unless we're joking
xD dw about moosey we close asf and we do this a lot FRIENDSHIP BEEF OFC
hey u cuss!
sry lil bro ;-;
Fr rab is literally the chillest and the best, ansy jr. 2.0
xD tysm but I ain’t that good I wish I was tho but I’m working on it
nah,U should delete this
This will have a bad impact. Think about the feeling that others come in and see that the first comment is swearing.
Noobs are stupid. I joined the new game mode match and NOBODY except me was actually literate. Like some people don’t even know how to play, die 20 times, and they still join and fill in lobbies.
thats 👏why👏👏needs👏a👏fucking👏tutorial
tru but these stupid ass 7 year olds be hook spamming/making dumb mistakes or both and it's just highly annoying
they should write no spamming!
lol like these kids would read/obey the sign
Also, these matches last longer then my class break 😭
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i have no idea how this works,one match is 12 mins and another is 1 min, anyways im just chilling and getting coins for being in a match and listening to music so im not complaining
😭 bro i hop on pubs for like a match for a break and it takes a good 20 mins cause the nubby guy just grabs the flag and tries to cap it in the wrong spot
fr -_-
ni hao :D
Lmfao frfr
It is difficult to understand new things, especially when some young players come here without being familiar with shooting games.
I am actually one of them () I still remember the first time I came here to play the castle map.
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took me 12 mins for 200 coins, creepy joined at one point but left rly fast leaving me to just afk and listen to music xd its pretty chill and if you get an empty match you can just afk and move every now and then not to get kicked because you get +1 point for every second in the circle, apparently you need to be in the circle for 250 seconds to win but that's around 4 mins and i was in for at least 8 so idk anymore, should still be an easy way to get coins because you can literally just afk in the circle if its an empty match
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holy yap
Who ordered a yappuchino
Rab fr sucks we all hate rabs unsubscribe
Gah who am I kidding subscribe to rabs
fr her vids are trash asf and honestly idk why anybody would watch them
rab sucks, she is the worst youtuber. she is also annoying af and you should unsubscribe
fuck u rabbit
bruh -_-
Rabbit is dum
wow chill
no, we must spread the rabbit hate propaganda
😔 so mean
thats why u shoulda dropped the fcking video also get downvoted again noob
:-: uh huh.. whos winning the 1v1s again?
Sthu u nub like no one asked u
ur right i wasn't asked, i was told
Too far
Why?What did I miss ?
she didn't drop her vid when we wanted her to drop it, and shes annoying
ay dms
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this is an itch comment section bro
If u die this will be written on ur grave
'Blud just flew'
Or english Or Spanish
u changed alot
u are gay bc i never move, i never change, i am always the same
who is this, it's not hydro right XD
please dont joke abt this kinda stuff.. next time just dm me and dont bring it here cause u dunno what others are going through and might see this as rude
where am i supposed to dm you
google chat you got my contact yk
umm i dont..
ill msg you
emr also idk how to get in contact on google
What did he/she said
gg stry bot i may have forgotten to ss tho : - : also uhhh.. i was rec :D
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so new vid in a few weeks time?
nahw hopefully today
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yey! 😝
better be today >:(
omg when new vid
your fake
Nope bro came bak cuz of the drama yesterday
how am i fake
idk felt right sayig that
who r u tho?
trying to finish editing today lol
Who are you
i’m liya, im active on pelican party discord server, i got itch a few days ago
when vid drop
soon dum dum
now, also u still suck even after u drop
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b4,3,2 games with a playstation 5 controller :>

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i think b4 and 5 are the best,b4 makes up (a little bit) for the low sensitivity and b5 kills fast if you have good aim so not much need to turn you camera
saying this because even with 5 sensitivity in game it still takes like 2.5 seconds to turn around 180 degrees which makes 180 poost impossible but at least switch poost is possible and pretty easy
anyways anyhow its pretty fun to play like this, might even start playing the game again fully
didnt you say u quit?!
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i did thats why i said that i might Start playing again,read the whole yap please
Chat is ded
hydro get online plz
? Yaa fr
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we getting creative with this one
match played on a playstation 5 controller connected to a phone
real guest 70?
Rate em all /10
Fin I’m sorry but these are so ass mate
— Hydrocholorostorine
Couldn't agree more with hydro
yea sry bro but these aren't that great 😭
1/10 hehehe
b2: 3/10
b3: 4.5/10
b4: 2/10
b5: 2/10
b6: 5/10
they’re do goofy man but if I had to then the sharpshooter is the best
Fun fact of the day
Marvel isn’t just the movies👍
Hmmmmmm ....... Das som fax
— Hydrocholorostorine
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marvel rivals
New Ansy vid whatttt?
edit:forgot the h
fuck you
Bro chilllll.
no 🖕
Look who's back.
Code tomorrow. 6pm CDT. Maybe not if my interview go badly.
bro fell off + get a job lil bro
How you doing
Ello 👐
welp I missed the code ig uhm good luck with life Steven 🩶 I’ll miss ya don’t miss us too much (I will tho)
shit wait db for your email in the first word is the o before the h or is the h before the o
ok nvm ig its o before h
talk to you again sometime bro
odhi btw
i hope u got the other letters
cya bro,
good bye :(
steven my good friend i wish u all the best going forward, we'll all miss u :D
ty for playing wit me and being a great friend :D
byeee :((
Goodbye all, thank you for everything
i might appear sometimes but it will be rarely if ever.
you all live a good life, and with enough effort, you can achieve anything you set your mind to...
goodbye my friends
steven is gone
for now...
ay u live a good life too bro, take care and make only the best decisions, and most important of all take care of urself before others
wuh what happened?
Jai hind bro
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welp the code was at 1 am my time which isn't a problem when ion have school (then i stay up till 3-4 am) ,sadly tho with thursday comes school :(
cya hopefully someday steven and if not then gl in life 🕊️
ok ima post the code now FRQR
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1 am for me 😭
Db, you ready? ima make the code soon
Edit: mb i got the time zones wrong mb mb its in an hour i think now works too tho
Yo bro I’m ready :))
Edit :
Cuz idk if you’ll respond Imma check this in 15 mins, so 7:40 pm my time
ok im here
ill check again in 20 mins, so 8 pm my time
good skin?
Tbh, regen skin with wolf are common.
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Torso< good
Head <good
Legs<joker shoes( gud but not match)
Melee<poost plz
Arms<good match my sec fav hands
Bow<best stats is bow 2 3 loading speed and 7 attack this guide is from -> @sharp
thanks bro solid
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was it the thingy i sent u?
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Vice versa 🤪
ill dm u
bro legit dev in n1
Make it red like it's a horror movie
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aw Percy why would you block me :(
scrappy is very sadge now :<
also infurr is a he 😹
Ok whyever
I unblock and understand
ok i'll watch it
i warned you
Is it p#rn
whats your first ever name u named urself on n1.. me it was..
strawberry c-c-c-c-c-c-cat
Um, Guest ***, i can't remember the numbers, as a name, Chronyx
guest 9164
Alto, later Nermalto bc of my sister’s user name “Nermal”.
iirc it was Guest 3419 and after that it was “hi”
guest smth but i changed it pretty quick to whitehairedrabbit >:DD good ol og name
only you and a few others know my real og name hehe
>:) mmmmmhm
But first guest 9664
for me it was RAPID FIRE. Just that all caps no font xD
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wallmart,nescio mors,wattlemart then ds gave me the name wattle but i scrapped that and now im scrap baahahaha
Literally Ryumizu
😭 che?? Why car
This is actually the initial of my name and its pinyin is 车🚗👉👈
:0 very cool
hello go to stybot on yt like and subscribe !
Very ai looking…
Hello! How may I assist you today? 😊
W game also score is 1234
hello skyyyyyyyze
Which is better : fortnight, minecraft, or roblox?
what the actual fuck roblox ass and man
— Hydrocholorostorine
man shut the fuck up kid roblox is peak
yea but mc is more peak
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Team Fortress 2
— Hydrocholorostorine
good one
Steven make a code pls
cmon this is the first time I’ve managed to catch someone in under 10 mins here
Pls reply dude
hydro can I have ur email
Ngl minecraft and tf2 is too good I literally cant choose because both are too fucking good
minecraft, theres no competition
if u wanna play with friends then roblox cus of the variety of games there are.
if u wanna have a better experience then minecraft.
and fortnight is just eh
fortnite peaked when travis scott peaked, and that was in like 2018
minecwaft better fr, But N1 ON TOP!!
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Mibecraft is realisticaaly WAY better than n1
alsp sry if this msg has solt of speljing mistaes i cant see shit bcs i had mt pupils exoanded or whaever
nice spelling, yeah, ik minecraft is better but this is a narrrow one community so...
Fortnite is just a mid shooter with sweats, Minecraft gets boring after a while Roblox is jack of all trades master of none
well explained, although if mc gets boring try modpacks
Pov free fire and bgmi:
What is bgmi