That's the Russian Flag. As much as I don't like Russia (Russo - Ukrainian War) I added the Russian Flag because half of your name is in Russian I added the Russian Flag. When I took the screenshot and cropped it the white part of the flag got cut out. You'll see a little bit white on the top left corner
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It was a fun match with qoo today me and my brother
That's by qoo. Lol. Nice tho
no chance for me…
Cool You are getting stronger day by day
My 100th 1000+!!!!
Wow! Great job!!
Great job
i couldnt do that
When I achieve a 1000+ score, I'll record it (if I remember)
up to now, 23rd Aug 2022, I have recorded 100 times 1000+, among them there are 15 times 1500+, and 3 times 2000+.
My record is 2490 score and 94 kills. lol
I know, most of your records are better than me.
Mine is 64.
well done
coool my friend
Amazing :D
see you all tomorrow and goodnight
GN 💤
So can anyone of you can play………………………
Sorry. Been busy with my Discord Server, Book, Studies, and classes. Probably not play that much until Friday(Not School Homework)
I gotta go right now, see y'all tomorrow! bye Dragon! Bye Madara!
Bye!! Here's the image you wanted! It's the right size for the logo to!!:
It is beautiful! Thanks Dragon :D
Thank you!!!!!!
That's the Russian Flag. As much as I don't like Russia (Russo - Ukrainian War) I added the Russian Flag because half of your name is in Russian I added the Russian Flag. When I took the screenshot and cropped it the white part of the flag got cut out. You'll see a little bit white on the top left corner
you could try to change it to the russian flag without the blood
its a russian anti war flag
"blood represent the people"
Thanks Dragonair! I appreciate it a lot. I have never had someone make a custom profile for me :).
I changed mah profile, it looks great!
Yeah. It's amazing!!
Nvm, I'm back now!
Y'know what, just reply if u want to pvp me.
hi everyone
why hello
goood news everybody, it seems like matchmaking has finally placed me higher, wich means the learning courve is at least angled a bit
Yayyyy two pieces left and complete the challenge 💪
already watched it before thet
Wow you are so fast
yeah, before you wrote the message, bc i subbed
Why are you fast? 😆
i subbed since over a week, i get a message before you can write one
probably will come at 6:00 pm
6 pm wich place?
who is coming ?
oi think madara
Where will he come? In your home ?
hopefully not
ill come back to icth at 6
Oh ok mu friend bey
see you all later and hello dragonair ( for when he gets on) bye
brb taking a break
wanna play qm9y
narrow legendary, golden 57 and Everson are in the Uchiha clan ( including clint barton )
we will conquer other clans as my ancestors did
Haha! Just I need some time wait
The Uchiha clan will also destroy the communist party of thing 1 and 2
товарищ Havoc DC
are you on discord
I don't have discord at the moment, no. I'll try to get it soon.
Oh. I'm on it! I have my own DC server on it!
ask people can they join my clan please
Sure! Create some joining forms with google forms. Once they've turned it in you'll get an email!!
everson are you on discord
The Uchiha clan will dominate all maps and will share them with my allies bow boi and dragonair
if your men cannot die, you cannot conquer land(anybody can play any map)
Anybody play minecraft java?
i play but i got to fix my Microsoft account
Did you have any fav servers?
i normally play bedrock
Narrow need to add chat for private servers... :/
that was the code
its ok you can play
thanks :)
wait, im not everson... oooof
now rolepl
eeyyyyy, gg
lets fight
ehh, uchicha?
so what do we do?
im the guest
Uchicha i joined
code L4gj
code wwtb
i got 3 a's on the assignments i did today
good job!
a private match like a roleplay
everson wanna play
Madura Uchiha can I be a trainer?
yes old friend
good to have you back
the clan is a republic now so members of my clan have more rights
hello old friend
Nazi and the republic is going down
you can try
and you mean the republic of the uchiha clan
were never going down
everyone should first focus on the nazis
the world doesn't need another hitler
as a german, i confirm
i concur