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guess who's back on narrow one :)



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I played with Tkpvn and this is the result

Nice 👍👍👍

Thx 💙💙


Thx 💙💙

Good job

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If your just curious for the upcoming SC vs DC war,  and your like how tf do we get all the SC members on one side and all DC members on the other.

Weeeelllllll, I have a solution, *I think*

Let’s take guest 70 and drago as a example,

if drago is on my team and 70 is on the other, I won’t kill 70 and 70 won’t kill me, BUUUUT 70 is gonna kill drago

So long story short SC members DON’T kill SC members no matter what, and DC members DON’T kill DC members no matter what, but all SC members *IF POSSIBLE* will try to kill DC members, same goes for DC.

I hope this is clear for you to understand, if not, feel free to reply to me! 

SC | Unbounded~

Also does who don’t want to join SC or DC, please feel free to come and spectate, JUST REMEMBER TO PUT *SPEC* so we know it’s a spectator, also spectator’s PLEASE USE 4BOW, I know I’m bossy rn, but it’s to help everyone to not mistake you for common competitors 

so if we want to be a spectator, we go with the small crossbow?

yes, and it would be good if you change your name before that

yea. so i got the rules


Narrow winner spec

Yes. Like Dumb said: yes, and it would be good if you change your name before that

you could also try a more complicated but more effective way, you tell one to join, than one of the other clan, then back to the old clan and so on

Well this isn’t discord soooooo

yeah, its hard to do

and when is the war?

Next weekend (maybe)

It's actually this weekend in Sunday U.S.

It's actually this weekend in Sunday U.S.

We can put my clan members in Blue team and yours in Red or the other way around

Not possible 

Yes it is. If they get on the wrong team they can open new tabs and join the squad until they get to the right team. I always do that

what ‘bout the spectators man

I know your thinking of that way but it’s way too complicated, it’s just a war, which I didn’t even really think will become so important lol

Clear as glass, unbounded

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I met TheKing. Not once, but twice a day.

screenshot while in arena(no, i'm not doing a 1v1)

Screenshot while in alleys

Chilling in the arena

I also met Time2Die the same day, I befriend them both because we've seen each other a few times before

undercompetent team, it was still good

Anyone know how to pose like this with the bow?

I have 49k left to go untill 100k. I plan to do it in 6 months. by that time, I'll have a one year narrow one experience:)

Everybody would be in debt trying to buy gear if you could borrow money(lol).

Cool! Also, I think the word you are trying to use is incompetent



Wait, what is the FOV in the third picture?!

It’s like quake!

? whats that ?

just the shop preview

oh, ok

No. I've played with him before. I've barley played with him


I've played with him before: TheKing (He's on Discord)

I've barley played with him: Time2Die

Can anyone do this pose?: No

Okay, who else sucks at playing on iPad?

i suck on playing phone. pc better


I play on IPad

me too

Yes, I don't know if this relete but if you use pc u need to practiced it to get better👍

I relate I use my keyboard on Bluetooth only for tabs which lets you see game score

Anybody online rn?

Me I am


Just entered CB clan. hope ya don’t mind drago!

Ahh...It's ok. But if war breaks out. You have a hard decision to make 

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Okey dokey!

here it is the grim reaper

yooo i met time2die


Tiger helmet when is it due?

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Beginning of February

Idk but it's chinese lunar new year related aorund feb 14-15

That's what they did last (2022) Year

it should be rabbit this year (2023). I know the lunar new year patterns


it's your assignment?  lol jk

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another 12 years 

Every zodiac sign rotates each twelve years, thus tiger year is another 12 years

Btw I’m from China

I love this skin




so when are dc and sc going to fight again? im gonna volunteer dc


im gonna spectate

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i'll cheer yall on


could someone send me a picture of my character with the helmet at 100k?

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go ahead my friend

wow very beautiful !


Thank you very much Mh Al !

wow, i defeated ansy (and its defenitely not someone else at all who tryes to mimik him but is awful at it)

what a convincing disguise

he would have the verification mark... and he doesn't wear fearless(not really proof but weird), has bad kd for a pro

ik, its a joke i know hes not ansy, its a joke

I met a player named are you the real ansy lol xd too many fakes

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XD hmmmmm, We will never know who the real Ansy is....

there's someone name "are you the real ansy". xd


*YeyE sO CoNvinCIng*

a very good game


Cool gg



I knew it was you but my internet failed and then i couldn't find you 😥

Me too but only in a different way 😖


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And what is your kill record?  I have 36

hi everyone

hi 👋🏻

Hi 👋



hi, could we to a clan meeting sometime on Saturday, and maybe do a game or two


gotta tell me what time though

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where do you live? if you told me we could figure out a time.

in the us


Hello 👋


She is against me no………….

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Using guest mode not account but i am dead[third person ha!]



hey can anyone login a web called [Quora] and go into the space then search [narrow one gaming god of death] do not type this[] it is just a mark in this comment. Hope you follow and post things

i did

its cool


I was not on my narrow winner account but I did a good game


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Some of today’s pictures #2

Hope you’ll like it



Wow, cool! 🤗

Thank you

Fabulous . You are beautiful . You're right, you should buy a leg tape you'll look great

Yep next goal legs

Not half bad Unbounded! I like it 👍 

Thank you


Nice KDR (kill death ratio)


XXLC if your bored

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sry gtg

GG everyone

pelican, can you add on ipad to have the possibility of being in the 3rd person? please.

It does make sense to do

Is anyone on for a few matches?

how old are you all? Me, I am 13 years old.



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you are very strong for your old (unbounded and a little thing)


Thank you

I am 10 years old i have every part of fearless armor


You are very strong !

wanna play but i am on vacation so….. no fearless guest ode i use google account play with me plz and plz send code and i will join you 3 min later


Several Good Games: 




Thx U

👏 👏 👏 

Thank you! 👏

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I met geanpro, was so lucky but parent would not let me play so had to leave. :(

Geanpro and I knew each other. Every time we met in a match, we wouldn't kill each other and just chill. Im sure he knows me because of my distinct skin ( no one except another player named Kitty has anything close to my skin, but I was a guest at the time.). 

I met him this time, and he recognized me.   :D

I used to get in his games so much but he was always mean to ma and kills me even after the match has ended 😭

I guess im lucky that im someone he doesn't kill (most likely bc I don't have fearless armor)

-_-... It’s not mean, everybody does it now.

Oh cool he has helmet now


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Wow he now has fearless the hat

I knew him and befriend him even before he got fearless

same I have played with him before you even made a account 

i've been playing for half a year now.  my account is only one month old. 


nice 👍

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To play

Code is G994 if u wanna play.


Fearless kinda getting old

egypt update. it's only been like ~6 months

Nah I'm talking about everybody getting it and stuff

haha not old for me i started playing when fearless armor came

I don’t have it.


this was a pretty good game even though i didn't have my senses

Oh. Nice


U Welcome 🤗 



noice my man

how do you take pictures like that?

With the 3rd person

i play on ipad and i can't

do you have a bluetooth keyboard for it, i use it

no 😭



You welcome

Another amazing screenshot Madara!


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Nice photography

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I just noticed that if I had doubled my corners, I would have had the fearless helmet + the fearless armor and the quiver. 😭

that's to say ?


I have 45k. Folds my intrepid aemure of 100 k it is 145k x 2 = 290k

50k for me.x2 is 100 k.

I usually double if it’s 30 coins or higher


wait till the large repeating crossbow comes and fires 20 powerful arrow ( the small one fires 10 or 12) and the big one fire 20, some models a able to shoot two a  time. (this is all based one history, pelican didn't annouce creation of two new crossbows)

I know


Wow. Nice!

Nice video, but I hade to play it on mute. I can’t stand that type of music. But don’t get me wrong, nice gameplay!

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