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hey pelican party, if you add sword skins, can you please make one to turn the assault sword into a rapier?

maybe another sword skin could be a Jian ( chinese double edged sword). it's long and light build is able to let it fightlike a rapier but also be strong enough to go against older swords with thicker blades.

Pls add the rapier!

rapier actually i think is a slightly later period, it kinda wouldn't fit


it would, the game definetly takes pllace in a timeine that reaches the  16th century, since japanese castles in the known way exist, wich we see in the game, the 16th century is also the time, were the rapier was starting to get used.

And narrow one aint historically accurate, since theres a tophat, wich didnt exist at the time

once we get to making melee, I'll add all the swords you like 

i have an idea, since the chinese crossbow is coming up, could you add a chinese bamboo bowskin? I was wondering if you could have a Jian skin as well. This is the bow i made.

yes, thats great.

Thank you so much Pelican party

Yay! Thx!


Swords Everywhere.

gg i was way too laggy to play


i often experience lag too

same and plz let me earn your trust

ok, if you cant send a screensot here, upload it on this website, then you have a link for it and send it in






scary . almost


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How did you get so many coins in such a short time?

i had a lot of time on vacation

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actually I meant mh al but ok

i almost had every of them except the helm

i thought you had everything


scarier than a horror movie


Chill, it's just kitsune with the fearless helmet (I think)

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It’s mh al

Dam. He looks like kitsune

wow, im further

do you remeber me beat you in a 40 min battle.




A Little Thing I make a pic for you hope you like it.

Thank you very much lone archer !!!





wow. Some stuff are cut our tho

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You see that guys I can’t send it no no no my screen shot is 4.7mb so I beg for trust plzzzz🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺.sorry I can only post this kind of screenshot

just crop your screenshot down to the window where it lets you see your character in the shop

I cant

can you view your screenshots? if so, you should be able to crop it. btw I trust you a bit now

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ImgTP - 免费公共图床 Do you know how to use that?🤨


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Goodbye guys! fr this time


Farewell my friends~

I’ll comeback during Christmas break, maybe 🤔 


bye my friend 🖤🖤


Unbounded don't leave us 😢


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But you just came back!!!

ik but school am I right


Goodbye 😔

bye, see you soon my friend

Why are u going ?😭😭

to much school work for checking N1 and itch :/

ah ok i will miss u and i will be so happy if your come back

I will no worries 

ok, i hope for u that the school is not to hard :)

Bye 😢

bye👋🤝see you soon

I will miss you my dear friend

bye :(

The match was difficult. But I made an effort. Does anyone of you know Sciguy is very strong

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lol "我是神" That means: I am god! 🤭

神 means god 。 gold means 金坷垃

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沒關係 我也常打錯字

also wears a samurai helmet lol


We will decide if the DragonClan won or "Whoa whoa whoa, SC never asked tg,nobody showed up Soo basically nobody wins" which is what Thing1 said. UnboundedSpirit decided to have a war and it's today but then Guest70 got crowned to the leader and he never said anything about the war so Idk what to do. Please reply and say what we should do depending on which side wins I'll make or not make my clan war vid. I spent a lot of time on it and I've not published in a while.

do u have a screenshot of the game/s ? if yes, can u pls send it, there is no screenshot of the war on itch :(

I wasn't in this fight at all it was 3 o'clock in the morning my time

we re do the war because NOBODY one soo again

*cough* thing 2

can u put the vid in chat

Sorry. I deleted it. I'm making a music video tho. The music will not be by me. 

Wait, it already happened???? Dammit.

Drago, can we have another battle? Since a war isn't really one battle, but a string... Plus I want to join this time.

70’s itch account got hacked soooo...

Uh Oh.How do you know?

328 kills/14 games = 23.5 kills per game


(1 edit)

post your war vid dude i got disconnected so you won but sc members never joined and technically there was no war and the last minute changes caused prblems

but we can do another one sometime with no abrupt time changes where everyone joins






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Everyone put ur time zone below mine is 10:03

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39 minutes ago, mine was 10:03 a.m. too

mine is +8

me tooooo

(1 edit)

10:00 pm

mine is +1


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yo guys i think "Fearless winner" is Backin up Deathspirit  for something , they don't send their skins yet make big claims like how they have all the fearless gear and also fearless winner claims that his skin "my skin is over 3mb so I can’t send it" , They've never fought or hve any screen shots of pros or a good score, it's really sussy

no offense.


For real

I will send my skin tonight after my mom bought me I pad pro

what about death spirit

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scores and screenshot too, it's how everyone proves themselves

oh so that is what you want

all of them. kinda. it's kinda like a fool proof thing. people also show shop previews sometime to prove themselves more( the name is in the background) idk about deathspirit tho

oh so I put my fearless thing in the creator page right

I never back up him ok.He is a liar and I kinda hate him cuz my score is often better than him and he sometimes is jealous

the school score

? idk what that is

oh ok

Sometimes u gotta take their word for it. But seems kinda sketch to me tbh.

i got a nft for winning a quiz 1st placelol


Can u sell it?

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I missed the war ?

Ye happened 5,30 est


5 : 30 Eastern time not Chicago time

oh ok sorry i use ct 

(1 edit)

No. 4:30 PM Chicago Time

No it happened 5:30 Eastern time, which is my time, I'm just saying that, ik it happened 4:30 Chicago time

 4:30 PM Chicago Time


it's okay it wasn't really a war you we might do it again

Some war lmao I couldn't be there because I was playing golf,I would join though, btw what map was it, if it was castles DC would of been in troble

towers. my fav map

It was towers for the main battle. After that there was an after battle. It was in Forts. We won the main battle

@Pelican Party can u make the grappling hook in the arch map work so u can climb up it

it work but if you get off tracked one bit it won't work

is there still gonna be a fight at 7 pm ct? we should've gotten all the timezones of each player/ participant to arrange a time where every can play. all the sc members didn't appear, and I fought against people on my team.

what sc members did show cause I'm honestly suprised they lost

what no sc memeber joined everyone was sc idk what happened but dragonair made a last  minute change to 4:30, I lagged so bad that i discconnected so idk what happened

Oh ok thx

i got pitted against people on my side lol

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There's a way to prevent that and dragonair even said it and it still happened dang,  no surprised tbh

Yeah. Thing1 represented the SC clan

time to change my name back to tg owner

 GG! DC Won! SC sent one of the creators of ThingClan and lost. GoodGame!

bruh no sc clan person was there and im on the oppsite team and thing 2 is sc lol

i was dc and i won i got all three flag for our team and i got 100 coins out of it 

ok cool i got disconnected lol

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I thought you were representing SC. Let's just say that you and BowBoi were. Technically you’re  not in my clan but I don't have to do this you know. If I don't do it well say goodbye to my vid I just released 

bruh i had dc in my name and i was supposed to be on blue but i got disconnected to technecally it wasn't fair

dragin i was on ur team

ah man

I said that because I wasn’t there sorry but That’s good

you are a powerful ally my friend

Whoa whoa whoa, SC never asked tg,nobody showed up Soo basically nobody wins


We'l do a vote

lmao no 

Agree lmao


Lmao you can’t just make a random squad with no SC members and call that a game, such a jealous brat

Well we did decide today. No one came. I just made it a plain old squadafter what was supposed to be the game

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 the war begins now!!!!! SC members and other people xon red team and DC on blue team. If you get on the wrong team then join the squad in a different tab and see which team you get do that over and over until you get the right team

sry, i gtg i have schol tommorow, ineed sleep and the wardoesnt work since none of the scguys are there

srry i need to fix my acct real fast

gg tho

every one on my team here had equal and good skill it's quite hard to get a team that has even skilled teammates (blue team)


Nice. Btw Ansy is the best. And me of course 😏

im volunteering 4 your team

Ok. My team is blue an SC is red (More info in in 8 min)


Everyone!!!! DragonClan vs. SpritClan war is happening in 4:30 PM Chicago U.S. time. It will be a private squad. Get ready!!!!

🏹 🐉 🏰 💙!!!

what date today????????????????????????


neat, now i can actually play

pls record me a bit

I will

i will too


why tf does it have ads on the install version bruh

im sorry i don't think any of us pros install it

you can install it

what how

no, i ment that as a shocked question

hey also can you record the war


i wanna see myself in a war on yt

maybe sleep now and wake up at like 1:45 am idk

it's online

There is no installable version of the game (yet). Be careful, don't install anything random you find online. We will add PWA support soon. 

there is an installable version on the desktop app you can get it on the epic games launcher, it is kinda buggy, you cant log in etc, but it is functional

@Pelican Party can u make the grappling hook in the arch map work so u can climb up it

You can climb it since ever, just a matter of practice :)

you can climb it, but its really hard to perform


sup ill tell thing 1 to join

all pros join  8fvd

can i join dc or sc

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join dc please

ok i will

that was surprisingly easy

but thanks

when's the war

(dc vs sc)

Havoc thought we should postpone bc narrow winner i think can't play on sat or something but idk if he's part of the fight

I use ct time so idk when chicago time is when converted.


how do you change your name? can someone pls explain it me?

you go to account and you change

yeah,ok thanks, but i mean at, cuz im member of dragonair clan and want to put it on my itch account ;)

Ah ok thanks, yesterday it didnt work


when is the next update? and what is it?

DragonClan vs. SpiritClan War today!!!! 7:00 Chicago, US Time!!!! All Dragons will go to team blue. All spirits will go to team red!!!!!! If Guest 70 want's to change it then okay!

7 am or pm

cuase that would be 2 am my time and thats not really a time where i should be awake

Uh Oh.

yeah, but if you move it two hours backit would work

Change of plans. It will happen 4:30 PM Chicago U.S. Time



what time will the war be in French time? because I am French. at my house, right now, it's 7 o'clock in the afternoon

2:00 i think

Im so sorry, i want so much to play, but i cant :( another time maybe

damn wish i could watch

Wish I could be in it

wouldn't be fair with u in it


if I went let’s just say DC will crumble into pieces ngl

ye true


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