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To the people who hates @Anime, thats stupid! He or she is a REALLY NICE PERSON!! 



agree also the Pokémon anime is good and anyone who says otherwise will have to speak to my gun

True. And my illegal nuclear accelerator powerd military Hummer H1 Humvee with six illegal gmlrs rocket launchers from M142 Himars!!!


ye pokemon good

the old anime like pokemon is so much better than all this new cringe shit

new cringe like the stuff u watch? idk whatever

no like newer anime releases are cringy except for a few 

what r releases? like their trailers? i haven't watched in a long time and know basically nothing lol

ya I miss the old one after the reboot it’s uhh kinds bad 

Season one is really nostalgic for me

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Bug gub?

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Ayo bro!!🦥



This code is still active

When will be the war between DC clan and N1 clan?

I don't know.

That's okay, but  Dragonair sayed something about war 

yeah, personally, I just want to chill and hang out...

Okay, how are you? :)

I'm fine, you?

That's true


i will play DC

I can do it some day of you want and upload to yt

wo dont know when

(1 edit)

Pelican itch io has no sencor I was chatting with anime and I used f word it doesn't censor and I edited it

What is the secret of the halls?

it's nnot asecret, it's just a detail and stupid people pretend like they needed the detail to discorver something. they think the ruins and halls are connected. but the ships make it obvious.

If ur talking about the secret i was talking about then youd be wrong

the secret is that the ruins map is in halls right? im saying that it's obvious that both halls and ruins have vikings.

yeah you're right be I was talking about something completely different lol

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lol what was it 

Btw pls post code in top of n1 comments i have time today

My little brother (boneless chicken) is sick (heavy fewer) please bless him




can u play now ?

No he's sleeping 

Thanks very much narrow winner

Today He was playing with you narrow winner that time he was sick and heavy fewer started


Good recovery for him...

Thanks bro

hope he recoversd

Thank you so much

Hope he gets better.

Thank (。>﹏<。)

Deleted 1 year ago

Hope he gets well

Thanks Alphin


Bye for now

Gg for you if my little brother was there he might played this code😖


/ping [everyone]

/ping [everyone]

This aint discord bro

hell true

not discord lmfao


What to do

I don’t know 


It sucks

Deleted 1 year ago

I hate you 

Let the people like what they like, who are you to say that anime sucks?

Try setting the brightness to full


My screen going black every two seconds





hello there, comrade!




(1 edit)

bruh i m back

any update or news?

(cry.nobody miss


ye theres a new trailer

DC and n1 are at war. And ur in DC so. Get your weapons ready

When will be the war?

Now. If you join a squad with a n1 member and win the game (it's a point for DC. its dc 4 and n1 5

Please, why must we go to war when I CAN'T EVEN PARTICIPATE

If you join a squad with a n1 member and win the game (it's a point for DC. its dc 4 and n1 5

ah, ok


i missed ya

king of narrow



did you notice this






Bowboi I have a great joke for you

Deleted 1 year ago

not funny didn't laugh

its so good iforgot to laugh

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Good joke you got there I forgot to laugh

the only joke here is u

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No god no god please no no   no nooooooooooo

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Did someone knows how to change font in n1 username 


Tell then

Use a font change



some one plays roof vs roof with longbow is 4 a vid of yt




I told you guys as a leak that the next map will be the heaven map

its not heaven tho, its problysmth like hte olymp

Deleted post

ah ok good to know

and we all knew it was sky cus of the cloud leak

W8VF new code


to chill with the gulag member

well nvm squad broke

(1 edit)

anyone active on n1 rn? respond if yes

2 players are with me in C433

we found a new secret on halls so we tryna show people

7DQV for the secret


What secret

It's too hard to explain so we'll show u another time

a lame one


Deleted 1 year ago

Yes, I am here.

can u play kitsune?

i'm just grinding rn but sure

C433 if u want




wow gg





Deleted post

How the ... ? So strong!! :)


Thats kitss for ya!

finally finished... (the enemies defend the flag so the game lasted a long time)

It seems whenever one of my games goes on for too long the algo stacks the other team with better players gradually until I'm overrun. I rarely get good players on rotation. sigh.


Aussua. do you play on phone?


ok at least i can exhale now

gn and ggs, I suck.

gn gg


For BD Guys 

Ooooo, nice!




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narrow winner let's 1 in 1 and just shoot a video on YouTube Let's?

if u want

Anime suck butt

Let the people like what they like, who are you to say that anime sucks?

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