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gg with Bowbeforemeordie   :)


(+1) join please 🙏🏻


Music has the incredible power to evoke emotions, create memories, and build connections between people. Throughout history, artists have come and gone, leaving their unique marks on the world through their music. In today's diverse and competitive music industry, a new star has risen and captivated audiences with his extraordinary talent: SnadowBlackmill. Through his innovative approach to music, thought-provoking lyrics, and undeniable charisma, SnadowBlackmill has quickly cemented his place as one of the best artists of our time.

I. Innovating in the Realm of Music

SnadowBlackmill's music transcends genres and boundaries, blending elements of electronic, hip-hop, rock, and alternative music in a unique way that resonates with a wide range of listeners. He takes risks and breaks conventions, allowing him to create a musical experience unlike anything that has come before. SnadowBlackmill's approach to music production involves using both traditional instruments and cutting-edge digital tools, resulting in a rich and complex sonic landscape that can only be attributed to his signature sound.

II. Thought-provoking Lyrics

One of the key reasons SnadowBlackmill has earned the distinction as the best is his ability to write deeply introspective and socially conscious lyrics. His songs often tackle themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and societal issues, providing listeners with an opportunity to engage in thought and reflection. SnadowBlackmill's lyrics are honest, vulnerable, and raw, giving fans the chance to connect with him on a personal level, fostering a strong and devoted fanbase.

III. Charismatic Stage Presence

SnadowBlackmill's enigmatic charisma on stage is another contributing factor to his success. He has a magnetic presence that demands attention, and his performances are characterized by high energy, intricate choreography, and seamless transitions between songs. SnadowBlackmill's ability to captivate an audience, combined with his exceptional musical talent, results in a live performance that leaves concert-goers feeling euphoric and inspired.

IV. Advocacy and Philanthropy

Beyond his artistic prowess, SnadowBlackmill is also known for using his platform to raise awareness about important social issues and causes. He is an advocate for mental health, LGBTQ+ rights, and environmental sustainability, and regularly lends his voice and resources to support these initiatives. SnadowBlackmill's commitment to philanthropy and advocacy demonstrates that he is not only an exceptional artist but also a compassionate and socially responsible individual.


In conclusion, SnadowBlackmill's innovative approach to music, thought-provoking lyrics, charismatic stage presence, and dedication to philanthropy make him a truly outstanding artist. His ability to resonate with a diverse audience and touch the lives of millions around the world has solidified his position as one of the best musicians in the modern era. As SnadowBlackmill continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, we can only anticipate more groundbreaking music and influence from this truly remarkable artist.

asked chat gpt write this bullshit

You talk sooooo much

says you

Naa I talk maybe once a week on here maybe once every 2 weeks?

Take a look in the mirror




(1 edit)

You got me intetested in trying chat gtp so I asked it why N1 | Hunter was a bad choice for a name and it was kind of brutal so I felt like sharing the result:

Alright, folks, let me tell you why n1| hunter is just a terrible name. First of all, what the heck does it even mean? Are you trying to show off some sort of gaming skills or something? Newsflash, nobody cares about that. 

Secondly, the "|" symbol is just obnoxious. Are you trying to be edgy or something? It's not working. 

And don't even get me started on the "n1" part. Is that supposed to be some kind of abbreviation? It just looks like a math equation gone wrong. 

Overall, n1| hunter just screams "try-hard" and lacks any sort of creativity or originality. Do yourself a favor and come up with something better. Trust me, you'll thank me later.

roasted by chat gpt 

Laughing because it isn't true:

Why are you always so kind to me?

Because, it is nice to be nice!

chatgpt is kinda creepy 

Ai in general are a bit creepy. I can't tell the difference between people and ai now.

I found out how I didn't know anymore from this game:

true ai is v creepy

I played 4 times..and won 3 :)

I thought you took an article about a famous musician and just used Ctrl + F to find their name and replace it with SnadowBlackmill 💀

lol nice

Black Pen>

What is the story of the pen?

check below

multicolored pen>

Well I realized something..there is a person called name is uchiha...I don't know who he is but I wanted to make it clear to anyone who thinks I am him..I am new and I don't know many people here.




(1 edit) (+1)


getting old now





no offense to the N1 clan but you guys are annoying in games. like no need to ask for more people to join you if you're loosing

Yep. I have played with people from the N1 clan before and I can confirm.

(1 edit)

basically their clan structure in a nutshell



15,000 annoying grunts


Deleted 1 year ago

i dont think anyone offcially in the the N1 (im an owner) actually begs to join because they're losing, some people just watch my videos and randomly joins the clan, i dont even know them. "no offense but" i dont think even if they asked YOU to join it'll make a big difference

sorry I think you took it the wrong way I meant like they'd get people to join their squads and dupe till they're on their team. I truely mean no offense as I have no doubt that you're skilled enough to take me 10-0 anyday

when was the last time you saw that like what 1 month ago and ur complaining

well thats not just n1 clan players is it

Yeah you’re right I was just really annoyed at him. Sorry about my previous post. I sincerely apologize if I had insulted you in anyway.

I'm very sorry that I made it sound like you were not sorry. I have deleted my post. I hope that will fix what I did a bit.

well all good players do it but ppl on lower skill levels are more often likely to do it and it doesn't matter abt clans of anything

im annoying?

kind of

thats literally you

no u

yeah them


(1 edit)

ohh, like switching teams? yea, every pro does it occasionally but i can confirm that the N1 clan grunts heavily do this on a daily basis


tell me more useless thing than my teammates -_-


fr bro sometimes teammates just take up slots



b r u h






Oof D:  ... Look at my k/d 💔😭

lol, I've had worse

Dude..I got the worst of this and maybe the worst of all...I'm brandishing a sword like crazy all the time and I don't hit anyone and die in return


ooooooof  :D

if you'd stop spamming it would really help

(1 edit)

I don't smap...I just need to do something as I walk




Red pen

Can anyone tell me how to poost? Pls

wait im babysitting b2dk and alphin in minecraft

Lol what i also want to join but I don't have Minecraft

alright code?

Uhhh can u tell?

Parents :/

Pls make it fast i don't have much time :/


killing 4 pillagers when I’ve killed over 59 doesn’t count as babysitting 

werent you the irresponsible ones

Hey, minecraft?

uh huh says alphin


Gimme IP, lol

discord dms

ok, since you're a NU follower (and ofc a decent player) ill tell ya. 

equip short dark handle spear (550 coins to buy). attack with it while walking forward, then immediately follow with a 180 degree turn and walk backwards at the same time.

THANK U SO MUCH🙏 Aand also how do we do the 360 one??

? i have never seen a 360 turn one. that is probably another name for the 180 degree one.

oh i heard ppl talking about a 360 poost idk :/

no such thing i've seen. very likely just a alternative moniker for the 180 poost.

and also is that how you do it in mobile too cause I play on mobile

Oof. I don't mobile, but i'm expecting that it would be extremely difficult for the 180 degree poost. but i think you can still perform the simple poost without trouble. 

the simple poost is just to switch to bow right after attacking with the spear so that the backwards charge is canceled while the forward charge before the backward charge is put in action.

oh sad :( yeah I can do the simple one tho so thats good at least 



Breh, I'm reporting this.

whys bro always on about a pen 

It's a Brazilian meme (He's from brazil)

Deleted 1 year ago

blue pen

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blue pen

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caneta azul

blue pen

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blue pen

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blue pen

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blue pen

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blue pen

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blue pen

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blue pen blue pen

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blue pen

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when is this map coming

Prolly in 7-8 days or maybe more


No, usually when Pelican states coming soon in terms of maps, it's 1 day.

Lol, true

Woah nice



(1 edit)

I am so bad at n1. Four people beat me in 1v1s today

(Please don't try to say I am good because I am honestly not)


rip i think ur good. at least better than most


Better than me atleast lol

who did u fight

he fought snadow


ok yeah no i mean even he can win me how is hunter bad if he loses to snadow its like saying i lost to platon 10 - 1 i am trash

Yo, b2dk, I want to fight. Tell me when ur free.

idfk i just came back from mc


how did you know it was Snadow?

You kind of said it without saying it.

Oh yeah, I forgot.



Don't worry, you are much better than 80% of all N1 players! (Noobs and tryhards)


hey we're in the same boat

we all are bc we're all decent players

man shut you are WAYY above average


XQGX for war!

Dam time zones

wow best update 

Arab countries


Ah the glitch has been solved my screen is turning red again thx pelican



Looks like if Crusader Mantis was banned or something so this is what he wanted to say:

God send his son Jesus to sacrifice himself to save everyone. Think about the Israeli people... they had to sacrifice a perfect lamb every once in a while for God to forgive their sins. JESUS, being a person who did not commit any sin in his lifetime, sacrificed himself to die the most humiliating death to defeat death and sin, by resurrecting at the third day in glory. God can't just forgive everyone just cus' he can. We all have sinned and we all deserve death. If God just magically pardoned us, he would be unfair, which is impossible. The only way he can pardon us is if we accept his son as our saviour and convert to Christianity. Deus Vult.

I couldn't agree more with everything he said. Deus Vult

Crusader got banned why

Crusader got banned for good reason! 

Why would anyone in their right minds go about religious speech 🤦‍♂️

(1 edit)


If they banned Crusader, they banned God, I'm not saying that Crusader is God, I'm saying that, the Bible says in Matthew 25:41-45:

41 Then he will also say to those who will be on the left: Depart from me, cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and for his angels:

42 Because I was hungry, and you did not give me to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink;

43 I was a guest, and you did not receive me; naked, and you did not cover me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me.

44 Then they too will answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a guest, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not serve you?

45 Then he will answer them, saying, Truly I say to you, insofar as you did not do it to one of these little ones, you did not do it to me.

By forbidding Crusader to preach the Holy Word of God, you are rejecting what God is giving you through Crusader.

Crusader wasn't doing anything wrong, and you guys, without cause, forbade him.

Crusader is one of the little ones mentioned in the bible (if he accepted God as his savior) and God says that by rejecting one of these little ones, we reject to Him (verse 45)

ah... I see.

pls no offense Havoc, i dont hate you, i just want you to know the truth.

It is fine, my friend! You are very passionate in your religion and you speak the truth in your eyes.


lol, I don't preach in the chat.

Just some propaganda here and there:

lol, I don't preach in the chat.

Just some propaganda here and there:

lol, I don't preach in the chat.

Just some propaganda here and there:

lol, I don't preach in the chat.

Just some propaganda here and there:

lol, I don't preach in the chat.

Just some propaganda here and there:

lol, I don't preach in the chat.

Just some propaganda here and there:

Unban Crusader he didn't did anything wrong. I'm also christian and this is unfair, here there's also muslim and griddisim people.

Everyone has to be respected in what they believe including christians.

I hope you understand and think about what I said.



Beliefs should not be respected,I believe that the only thing that must be respected is the truth and the Truth is only one, and the truth is Jesus, He said it in Saint John 14:6, which says:

Jesus tells him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father, except through me.




Yes! Go pelican!


oooooh, noice

Basically means we'll have it in about a day.

I can’t log in? Is this only for me?

Forme too butit's fine now

(1 edit)



(Code because I need a break)

(Seriously, I fell asleep on my desk)

what is wrong with you?

Programming for hours on end, that's what's wrong!

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