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Hi guys! I suppose that yesterday was N1's Cumpleaรฑos...well, I had forgotten, I didn't remember at all, I just wanted to tell you that together with N1... well, I had good moments, but I suppose that oneself, after not having a vice for so long (I've been retired for a while) has time to think that it is the benefit that he got from so many hours in a virtual game... My times ended long ago, these are your days guys, I tell you that when you get to a certain point you realize that you had a good time... but you didn't get anything out of it, (Ecclesistes 12:1 says: And remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the bad days come, and the years come, of which you say, I have no contentment in them; And Ecclesiastes 11:9 says: Rejoice, young man, in your youth, and take pleasure in your heart in the days of your youth; and walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes: but know, that over all these things God will bring you to judgment.) They only lived them... well, I do not want to be more extensive, it was not going to be so long at first, but when I let my fingers loose on the keyboard...well I just let myself go LOL, well, what I wanted to say is that...well, the older ones will remember a special day if I tell them that in That day EVERYONE hated me... I think that day was marked in the history of this community, that day was when I realized that I was not going to waste my life, on that day I had nothing but promises from Jesus... but today I have proof, you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you how much my life changed, since that day, today since that day +3 months have passed, and I tell you that I never regretted everything I said on that day, today I am VERY HAPPY, I live in peace and nothing scares me, I invite you again on this day to believe in Jesus as your savior, and you will see how, from that moment, if you asked Jesus for forgiveness of ALL your sins, you will feel a TRUE peace, not a peace that passes from one day to the next. (John 14:27) Well, with this I say goodbye, and goodbye.

 P.S: you will probably hate me more after this speech, but I tell you that not even that will make me turn back, in Saint John 15:18 and 19 he says: 18: If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you. 19: If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

its a game, aint that deep my friend

lol ye, that's deeper than me. . . 

(i still respect him)

uhhh ur deep in what?

is this a joke?

Snadow, i write to you the same as to Dc/hc/FC nina, it's the same answer for both, but I want to make sure you read it:

Friend, I don't pretend to please anyone, I just want to please God, and I do that by preaching the truth, if everything were relaxation, no one would think about what really matters, and for that I give my "religious" speeches as you would call it, so that they think about what would happen if they die today, if they will go to heaven or hell, in N1, death is only a setback, but you have to see the reality, that life is only one, (although Jesus gives it eternally if we accept him as our savior) and we must "remember our Creator in the days of our youth" Ecclesiastes 12:1 says so: And remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the bad days come, and the years come, of which you say, I have no contentment in them; I just want you to know the truth, and remind yourself of it from time to time.

im not christian tho

Dear Sandow,

I know you're not a Christian, but tell me something...

What hope do you have after death? Narrow one? Good works?

None of that will help you Snadow, I'm telling you this as a fellow Snadow, we were together in N1 for years, and I want you to know the truth, and the truth is Jesus (Saint John 14:6), nothing else will save you Snadow, Jesus died for your sins, and for mine, and for those of all humanity, "so that everyone who believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

Sandow, think about what I'm telling you:

If you die today...

What would happen?

If I die, I die, I really couldnt care less, im basically dead already

quote griddism next time

(also welcome back)

it's not that deep chill no need for essays you could've said these  words to make it shorter: "I don't like this game I'm bad at it"

bruh he used to be good

He used to be the best, bruh


USED to be.

like i said, cap.


Actually... I want to ask a question about Jesus, may blessings and peace be upon him... but I am afraid that you will take the subject in a bad way while I mean to get knowledge :)

I don't know if Clint will see this but I would be honoured to answer your question instead.

Oh thank you..that's very kind of you

I am wondering about your beliefs as a Christian's with all my your holy book..Jesus, may blessings and peace be upon him, was calling you to worship the Father...he did not say worship me...and I also remember that he wanted to pray..and he put his head on the ground (prostration)  Exactly as Muslims do...and I saw many Muslims ask these questions to Christians and none of them answered...(I'm not looking for a problem..I just want to know what you think as Christians)

(1 edit)

The question is how could the Prophet Jesus be a god and at the same time perform prayers..I mean if he was praying to himself while saying that he is a god then that is not logical...but if he was praying to the Father and he was the one who was calling to worship him all the time..then Jesus was a Muslim?

If you don't want to talk about these complicated matters, I don't's okay...but I'm very interested in other religions, and what made me ask this question is that he's very connected as a Christian to his religion.

Jesus was not a Muslim, not at all, and regarding what you say that Jesus prayed to his Father... well, Jesus prayed to his father being God (Saint John 10:30 says:

I and the father are one) because God said in Matthew 17:5:

"...This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased..."

This meant that Jesus was always in full communion with his Father, and he also said in Saint John 14:28:

..."I go to the Father: because the Father is greater than I.

When he said "I am going to the Father" he meant that he was in communion with him, ALWAYS, because he was his Father.

He also meant that he was going to die on the cross of Calvary in a short time, that he would rise again, and ascend to heaven to be at the right hand of the Father. (Mark 16:19 says:

And the Lord, after he had spoken to them, was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.)

I hope you understood it, if you didn't, tell me (it's not a bother) and I'll try to answer it in another way.

(2 edits)

Ah yes, many muslims and christians disagree on this point.

First you have to understand that Christians believe that God exists in three characters. Like an egg has the shell, the white and the yolk and that is what an egg is. You can not have one without all three. In the same way we believe that There is The Father, The Son (Jesus, who walked in the World) and the Holy Spirit (who guides us while we can not physically be with God.)

Jesus is referred to as the Son of Man because His mother was human. His mother became pregnant by the power of God (not by sleeping with anyone.) So he was both the Son of Man and God in flesh.

I don't know if you understood what I am trying to say because I am not good with words. If you want I can find the scriptures that explain what I'm trying to say.

You would also know that lying prostrate is the form of complete respect. Jesus was trying to show that He was willing to take His father's plan above anything else and respected/loved Him more than anything. Islam respects Allah above all and you lie prostrate to him out of complete respect and honour. 

I hope my answers gave some explanation which is not too confusing to understand. I will be to answer any more questions you have.

I am sorry that my answer is so long, I did not mean to write an essay lol.

(1 edit)

It's okay, I talk a lot without paying attention... Regarding the three entities (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit)... since they are all considered one entity and they are all God: 1. In the Bible, this term was never mentioned clearly and explicitly..   The names are yes, but the concept of the Trinity was not mentioned, and Jesus did not call for it.. 2. They also say that they are all gods, so they are all equal... So how can Jesus, peace be upon him, be a god when he does not know the time of the Hour (the Day of Judgment_)... 3. We  We believe in Mary and the miracle that occurred and all that...but this does not mean that the Prophet Jesus is a god...if the matter were going in this way, then our master Adam, peace be upon him, would surpass him..because he was born without a father or a mother

My dear friend:

Your question does not bother me, on the contrary, it gives me strength to know that you are interested in knowing more about Jesus.

About your question:

The passage you mention is in Matthew 26:39 and it says:

And going a little further on, he fell on his face, praying, and saying: My Father, if it is possible, pass this glass from me; but not as I want, but as you.

Where it says that he prostrated himself, prostrating is a sign of reverence, and at that moment Jesus was praying to his Father, and he wanted to do it reverently.

This passage is a few verses before Judas Iscariot delivered him to be delivered into the hands of sinners (Matthew 26:45-47)

Jesus was praying to his Father, knowing that Judas was ready to deliver him, Jesus was praying, asking the father that the mission that had been entrusted to him (come into the world to die on the cross for our sins) pass to another, if it was the will of the father (My Father, if it is possible, pass this glass from me; however, not as I want, but as you.)

Jesus wanted to do the will of the father, not his own (but not as I want, but as you.)

Jesus was not afraid to die on the cross (and he did) all he wanted was to do the will of the father.

I hope this answers your question, if there is something you don't understand, just ask, and I will answer you, see you soon my friend.

P.S:Muslims have nothing to do with Christians, Islam rejects the Christian view that Jesus is the son of God, as well as that he was crucified, resurrected and atoned for the sins of humanity. (which is true)

I am happy because we are having this rational dialogue..and thank you for accepting my request in this happy fact, I know a lot about Jesus, and we as Muslims believe in him and love him like the rest of the prophets, but the problem here is not a problem that I deny his say that he was crucified in order to  God forgives the sins of humanity well...But if all sins are forgiven, then why do you ask for repentance between one generation and another...It has come to my attention in your holy book that Jesus used to say that whoever believes in him will go to hell (I will try to search for the exact words)..  .. And regarding a crucifixion... How can a father kill his son, as you say, just to forgive the sins of humanity, knowing that he is completely innocent and he is an exemplary man.  ...We believe that the man who was crucified is not Jesus, peace be upon him, but another man, and that God raised him to heaven and protected him..God will not harm him in this way....Then the term (my son) does not have to be in the literal sense, I mean God was saying  Adam is my son..but is he actually his son...then can you believe that God, with His power, majesty, and glory..has children or a girlfriend..or that He will descend among humans and turn into a child...and I want to thank you for being interested in the answer..I love  Religions a lot and talk about them


Clint Barton, you were one of my best friends, and I have never hated you.

You may rest easy knowing that you are a loved member of the community and one of the best players I have ever seen.

May life treat you well, my old friend! Goodbye, for now..



(1 edit)

I never knew you before this, but now I strongly admire you and your boldness to speak about Jesus. In this way I want like to be like you. 

God is always with you, goodbye.

ye he's bold he doesn't care if he's targeted

Friend, the one you should admire, it's Jesus, that he is the one I preach to, and he gives me the audacity to talk about himself, you could have my same audacity, and furthermore, you just have to be a child of god, and if you already are... well, you just have to maintain communion with god by praying every day, and reading the bible, and God will give you audacity to speak about Jesus, and everything you ask of him is a promise from Jesus, which is in Saint John 14:13 which says:

And whatever you ask of the Father in my name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

So please, I ask you not to admire me, admire Jesus, he is the one who can save you.

If you are not a child of God... well, I tell you that to be one, you must pay attention to the text of Romans 10:9 that says:

That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Do it, and you will have peace, and the Father will send you the Holy Spirit, Jesus said that in Saint John 14:16-17 which says:

16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, to be with you forever:

17 The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see him, nor does it know him: but you know him; for he is with you, and will be in you.

I haven't read it but the guy did a harry potter summary I'm sure

Lol..He took pains to write this beautiful letter... I don't think he would be happy to hear that from you

Read it, and you will have true peace if you listen to what I quoted from the Bible

+1 I missed you...

That last quote had me thinking recently... If their is a group chosen out of the world to be hated for loving God, could they love their own/ each other and not have it be love from the world? I hope that makes sense.

Yes and no, I explain:

Love ourselves, not that, because Jesus said in Matthew 16:24:

Then Jesus said to his disciples: If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

it means we should not love ourselves.

As for loving one another, yes, it is what we must do, it is a commandment:

Saint John 13:34 says:

A new commandment I give you: that you love one another: as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

We must love each other, that is what we must do.

Also, even if the world hates us (Saint John 15:18-19) we must love the people of the world, without loving sin, even if they hurt us, Jesus says that in Matthew 5:43-44

43 Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thy enemy.

44 But I say to you: Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you;

I hope that answers your question dear Jesters, if not, just tell me, and I'll try to give you another answer, your question doesn't bother me.

I was suggesting each other and not ourselves.. so yeah that answers about what I knew. It is easy to read the 'world hates you' quote and justify misdeeds done upon us, but it may also cast doubt if those around us love us. It may make one think that they are 'of the world' and shun a genuine love shared between each other to be "closer" to God. Discerning our own character and attitude towards the Lord should rid us of this doubt and help us determine whether those that 'love' us do so with schemes in their hearts or because of a Greater Love.

I thank you for your response. Good Skill & Good Light, Transcender Clint Barton.

idrk what dou mean but it looks terrible

AMEN! I finally found someone reasonable... I belive in God and therefore, we are brothers in Christ. Just let you know that there's a bit of an anti-Bible move going on here called "Griddism".  I Crusader Mantis will devote all my  strenght to protect the Christian comunity here. May God take care of you. Deus Vult!

I'm also christian so we are already 3 protecting the christian community, God bless you my friend! 


I am very happy to have a brother in Christ in this community, honestly, it is a relief, but... well, I do not want to offend you, but there is a text in Jeremiah 17:5 that says:

Thus said Jehovah: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man..."

The devil is very cunning, and I will not trust that you, by saying that you are a Christian, are my brother in Christ, for us to be brothers in Christ, you must believe that Jesus died on the cross of Calvary for your sins, and that He He can forgive you, and that he rose again on the third day, you will be saved (Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.)

The same for you, if you really are a child of God, do not trust me, because I could be deceiving you.

So that we can trust each other... well, some time must pass, says the bible in Saint Matthew 7:13-21:

By their fruits you will know them.

Well, I just wanted to say that,

and if you are really my brother in christ, don't be offended.

That's ......... Very deep. But u will be missed def

But don't be so religious it's just a game chill

Friend, I don't pretend to please anyone, I just want to please God, and I do that by preaching the truth, if everything were relaxation, no one would think about what really matters, and for that I give my "religious" speeches as you would call it, so that they think about what would happen if they die today, if they will go to heaven or hell, in N1, death is only a setback, but you have to see the reality, that life is only one, (although Jesus gives it eternally if we accept him as our savior) and we must "remember our Creator in the days of our youth"

Ecclesiastes 12:1 says so:

And remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the bad days come, and the years come, of which you say, I have no contentment in them;

I just want you to know the truth, and remind yourself of it from time to time.

i see and I'm sorry if I hurt u I didn't mean to really 

U will be missed ๐Ÿ˜€

You didn't hurt me, I just wanted you to know the truth.

Your back??

In a world where everyone seems to be competing for the spotlight, silence is often overlooked and undervalued. We live in an era where being heard is considered a virtue, and the gift of gab is celebrated. But let me tell you a little secret: not talking too much is a superpower. Yes, you read that right! In this whimsical essay, I shall embark on a hilarious journey to convince you why embracing silence and not talking too much can lead to a life filled with joy, tranquility, and perhaps a few chuckles along the way.

Have you ever noticed how intriguingly magnetic someone becomes when they choose their words carefully? It's like a secret charm that captivates the hearts and minds of others. Not talking too much leaves an air of mystery around you, creating an aura that begs people to wonder, "What's going on inside their head?" You become the enigma everyone wants to solve. People will find you intriguing, and that's a powerful tool in both social and personal situations.

One cannot underestimate the comedic value of well-timed silence. Imagine being in a room filled with people discussing various topics when suddenly you interject with a perfectly timed one-liner, leaving everyone in stitches. The element of surprise combined with a dash of wit is a recipe for laughter. Not talking too much allows you to hold your cards close to your chest, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash your hilarious remark and become the life of the party.

In a world full of noise, we often forget the power of observation. By not talking too much, you become an astute observer, picking up on subtle details and nuances that others miss. You notice the quirks, the gestures, the unspoken words, and the untold stories. It's like having a backstage pass to the theater of life. You gain insights that others overlook, and these observations become valuable treasures that you can share when the time is right.

Picture this: a quiet room, a warm cup of tea, and the blissful sound of silence. Not talking too much allows you to create moments of tranquility and self-reflection. It gives you the opportunity to escape the noise and chaos of everyday life, finding solace in your own thoughts. It's a chance to recharge, rejuvenate, and embrace the beauty of silence. Who needs meditation apps when you have the power of shutting up?

Not talking too much allows you to become a master of selective communication. By carefully choosing your words, you ensure that when you do speak, your voice carries weight and purpose. Your opinions become more impactful, your stories more captivating, and your advice more sought after. People will listen because they know your words are valuable and not just a stream of mindless chatter.

In a world that often encourages excessive talking, not talking too much can be a breath of fresh air. Embracing silence grants us the ability to be mysterious, funny, observant, serene, and purposeful. It allows us to listen more, learn more, and truly connect with others on a deeper level. So let us all embrace the art of silence and remember the wise words of Abraham Lincoln, who once said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Ok Bluey, I agree with some of what you said, but I also disagree with other things you said: You said that we are in a world where everyone wants to be the center of attention, and I agree with that. You told me that not talking too much was a superpower, I already knew that, from the Bible, in Proverbs 10:19 it says: โ€œSin is not lacking in many words; but he who restrains his lips is prudent." You said that to be the life of the party, you have to choose your words well, but the bible says that you have to be prudent, and being prudent is not wanting to be the life of the party, and I will also tell you something: I do not want to please anyone, I do not care what others think of me, because I am not of the world, I am of the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus promised it, and said that we are not of the world in St. John 17:16 "They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world." 

I'm in the world, but I'm not of the world, as I already told you, that's why I don't mind pleasing anyone.

I only try to please God, and I don't hope to please anyone, because what I say, almost nobody likes it, because not everyone wants to accept what I tell them., because the word I preach was the one Jesus preached, and the word Jesus preached is hard (Saint John 6: 60)

It is the one that orders me to preach "to every creature" (Mark 16:15) And the letters on my chest, I always carry them with me, and it is the Bible. I don't know the small details that you mention, but I will know if I ask God, because God will teach me if I ask him (Jeremiah 33:3) The power to shut up is not everything, because: "Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole of man" (Ecclesiastes 12:13) I do not need the words that I speak of the Bible to be heard many times, while they are understood: If someone heard and understood, perfect , he understood. Then if he wants to hear again, I'll tell him, but if he doesn't want to hear, I can only tell him what awaits him on his ways, and perhaps they will hear.

Now I will tell you something: did you know that Jesus died for your sins, and suffered for you, so that you have the opportunity to be saved? He died, "so that everyone who believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16) "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus..." (Romans 8 :1)

To be his children, and saved, we must believe that Jesus died for our sins, that he rose again, accept that we are sinners whether we like it or not, and ask him for forgiveness of our sins.

Tell me Bluey: are you already saved?




This is a world record ๐Ÿ˜ง

bro, the capture assist-




at least for the capture assist you can get more total points


yooo potatoes are hot! long time no see... i've seen many players copy your name....


De fak WR for capture assists 

I think itbwas a bug

ah makes more sense

look capture assist


im at knw3 how did u do thaat


Anyone seen carousel in the squads lately? ๐Ÿ˜ข


Yeah....Sad where is she?



Deleted 1 year ago


Nobody there

bc it was two hours ago

oh yes lol


time to sail away with the flag

lol, nice



I love discord... 

There was literally people here talking about nazis


(1 edit)

average day on discord

average day on discord.

why am i in every single discord photo bro


because you MAKE discord.

pratik il m'insulte grave ce fils de pute

im pretty sure he's probably just a tryhard :/

Fait pas attention ร  lui.... T'facon les gens de discord font n'imp. Ils ont aucune idรฉe de ce qu'est le respect. 

65 wow!!!!

Which code?

Deleted 1 year ago

I forgot it and I need it


The fact Alphinito got this k/d is a miracle.

is he good? i don't remeber ever fighting him

.... let's just say he loves his bow ...

A little too much.


That took a turn


oh yes I do fantasize about it a lot

Bow addiction, xd

this ainโ€™t the first 


stop plagarizing me you nerd thats my build


Gg but whoever guest 954 is 



lemme guess, spammer.

lol, you got nailed by a spammer.


that isn't a "gg" ๐Ÿ’€

lol, it is a gg

Uchicha got a 1000+ score.

pretty much



(1 edit)

bro so stupid he forgot his uniform 



no more ancient drip for him

was that supposed to be funny? cuz i laughed

yea it's funny

funny * historical.


His soul is immortal!

(1 edit)

aka annoying






any code


(1 edit) (+3)

Happy Anniversary!

Narrow one has nice and dedicated team and i liked very much Medieval FPS logic.

people in photo/ Hunter, Devil and P.King

Your posters are very cute ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘



Beautiful picture

nice, but the logic is weird lol 

such as dmg cap

Very nice poster! Good job!

Pro king is over there...but Mh Al and Clint?

Pro king, Mh Al and Clint, they were the first intrepid of this community :)

Poor Mh Al didn't come back since... I don't know... like 7 months or so.

being an mc player that beacon like touch looks cool




As much as you like to tell yourself, you're not a noob, lol

I fought Miridul before, he's an average pro.

lol ye

No. I mostly am, I just got lucky that day.

But I still really appreciate you saying that.

lololol, I beat B2DK once. Pure luck.


just broke my own record

Actually this is amazing

nice lol, btw guest70 is just a old pro guy.

lol im not 70

ik now lol



How did you do it.. does it not disappear?

(3 edits)

I used 3 hwacha's (approx 60 arrows per hwacha)and then i pushed it off the map ๐Ÿคฃ

(1 edit)

(it's truly the greatest way to waste your military budget)

(1 edit)

ok actually you have to have two players one shoots other one has to quickly screenshot

Oh that makes sense.. I thought you did it on your own

lol  ...You did it all just  for the picture

i can do more but i don't have the time right now.


bruh -_-

B    R    U     H  :o




I would say even more.... BrUh


(1 edit)

bruhurbreherg, linked bruhs

GG con uchiha 

gg ..I was about to give up ..But you came

(1 edit)

The letter A does  seem strange... I cannot make it like the rest of the letters... or it is erased๐Ÿ’”

๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ โค๏ธ


flips harder than my flip flops dawg!


Deleted 1 year ago

lol ye


hahahaha, I was slightly out of it when I posted that. I mean it's a banger of a game, really high quality.

First game after 1 week without playing. For once, I had a good team even if they were beginners... 

lol, nice

happy 3 year anniversary to Narrow One!

great game, i thank it for bringing to lots of good memories n stuff.

Keep going nice posters.
I will make one too.

I need a better res, lol/


Happy birthday ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ‰ jaja

lol, noice

Thanks Bowboi and nice army. I believe today is the second year of narrow one

I thought it was the third year of narrow one today?

haha no, it was released in 2021:

(1 edit)

ah, ok.

(still a great game anyway)


amazing ๐Ÿฅณ

did you know this? (ฦ† อกโ’พโ€ฏโ–ฟ อกโ’พ)ษ” 


first of all it's alleys 

but yes i know it lol

OK, I already changed it ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป

I want to know how you do this..

(ฦ† อกโ’พโ€ฏโ–ฟ อกโ’พ)ษ”๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป

First you create the emoji on a page, you copy it, then you go settings, keyboard, text replacement and there you place it and choose the phrase you want to put so that it is replaced by the emoji.๐Ÿ‘Œ

Oh thank you..i will try to do it



Deleted 1 year ago



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