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Broken, Can you play??

(1 edit)

I can in like 30 mins, sorry I forgot that I had a practice today:(

u gonna be at the squad?

Yes, it’s in 45 mins right?

sleeky join F3JH


(1 edit)

new video

Ill see it tmrw

really nice!!

nice...try to learn how to shoot without fully loading b3...

im gonna steal ur skin..xD



15 flag grabs and the perfect 300 coins


Satisfying πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘



I wonder if theres away to chnage ur team color so u can get any color skin

(1 edit)

No, I think

Cuz different colors confuse the squads

(1 edit)

in pubs idc cus its all bots tho

those aren't bots

u know what I mean they all noobs

the hell did u change ur name who r u

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…ain’t no way you came back o_o if you are who I think you are haaaaii :D missed ya (if not 😞 it’s ok hai anyways)


yes but I'm wondering what div would change it

maybe..but wouldn't it just change ur skin, and your team wouldn't notice any difference?

Otherwise maybe use the colour hack for ur whole body..idk

ye ur right the mod only works on ur own pc


Gg bowblitz


gg bg from earlier sorry I couldn't stay I was at school and was supposed to be doing work lol

I finished school an hour ago :D

I finished school 30 min ago

(1 edit)

Ah yes, the reason why I love homeschool. I can finish as early as 12:30 p.m

dam these peeps being getting off of school before lunch daily


Fr fr


was a 5v1 against poor vader so I switched teams to help him lol 


So nice. Great friend to have.


How special.

how nice!

more kills on my team anyway so why not switch πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




u wasted a decent chunk of coins :(((

(1 edit)

I only had like 7 kills 2 deaths and a flag capture, was like 370 points so worth 😝😝

Lol thx!!!


lol i do that all the time 


over 3 games, i had a k/d of 112kills/3deaths.

the 37.3 kd lol

no, it's 37.`3

(1 edit)

I rounded instead of repeating the decimal

B3 Game...unlucky noobs

Wow, all noobs on that team, must of been an easy game

wow nice kd

Weekly hi to brokengod! how are all of you guys?

Oh! Hello!! I am great, how about you? :D



(1 edit)

I just went to revisit my primary school today, and guess what… I found the very first computer I played narrow one on ~2 years ago! And it still has my old guest account on it!! Sadly, I forgot to take my phone so I could not take a pic :(

The memories that flowed back was insane, I remember when me and my friend used to speedrun our computer class work so we can play narrow one XD. Moments that I sadly cannot live again…

That’s crazy! Do you friend still play N1?

He definitely would still play…but let’s just say he is not with us anymore

Why does that sound like he’s dead πŸ’€ (No offense)

He sadly is… another victim of cancer

what?!? Hell naw, it was a joke 😭😭😭

im sorry to hear, that’s awful 😭😭

i'm sad for ur lasss, but happy for ur memories


thank you :()

(1 edit)

That's cool, y'know I actually played narrow one at the library once, it was pretty nice actually. Unfortunately, no one wanted to play and my friends aren't usually with me so I just played by myself. Still pretty cool though

Wtf are these teams. F*** these dumbas.

oof.. unfair indeed.. nice kd though!

...i don't like it.

Oh mah bunch of clowns


(1 edit)

Got this map twice today bcs of the new update,so ig it works

(2 edits)


I got my first ever not artificially selected gatehouse today πŸŽ‰

Nice, congrats 

(2 edits)

2v2 with a gay meele spammer and a decent bow 2, a little melee spammy guest

Also i saw this same guest in another game

(1 edit)

Game with gltzy i died afk twice 😭

I have a fever 😫


unlucky. rest and take some vitamin c and some warm tea

ok thx

oof… hope you get better!



they removed the Halloween map lets gooooooo

wanna rematch 1v1 tonight uwu



the ending was super close, β€œ:O” had a bunch of fearless






that even kill number and all 3 flags 😝

thanks for brighten up my day with that


is this one of your clan members?

I dont know u free to play rn?


waho wanna grind

send code

8T6X everyone can join

How fair, instantly lost when I joined. Hi mu


lol hate when this happens


that sure is really annoying 



Oh hi. What gave it away?

skin :D

ah okay

it sometimes happens to me....especially on m8m6

omg m8m6 is the worst for this


Oh oops, really Sorry didn't see your message was before mine

Oh np it's just a mistake


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the image blended in into the background and i was hella  confused



new health bar

really cool!


bros gonna ruin the game eventually 

nice..bro's a hacker..xD

its just some mods to the game, how is he hacking-




Any way face rev

(1 edit)

Nice face XD 


Nooo I got rickrolled

everyone did lol






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image of rick astley β‰  getting rickrolled

ye but I didn't wanna spoil his moment

(1 edit)

Chat ded or smth?

(1 edit)

Everyone is sleeping (probably)


No one sleeps for 8hrs

really!?! I sleep for 10 hours (8:40 pm to 7:00 am)


im awake now :)


why would anyone downvote this lol


12am to 6:50am....

i wake up at 1 AM, but i go to sleep at 12


gotta love sleeping schedules



me dropping code 7:45 CDT time tomorrow, code will be posted in sc server maybe here (for brokengod, starsket, and brothers 1 & 2). there's sum annoying ppl here tho so i may not post code here and in sc server instead. 

look forward to seeing you gentlemen

Like a grinding code or something?

no just games

ah ok

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Good day, gentlemen.

I will be releasing the code tomorrow at 7:45 CDT. The code will be posted in the SC server and possibly here (for Brokengod, Starsket, and Brothers 1 & 2). However, there are some disruptive individuals here, so I may decide to post the code exclusively in the SC server.

I look forward to seeing you all.

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haha new phone comrs with that Samsung ai shit its so fun

:skul: did you just enter it into the ai and let it revise?

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Am I anoying



(2 edits)

oki doki!

(Not replying to Viking!)

(1 edit)

Lol ik 


What time zone

CDT. i already said it lol

I feel sick, breathing kinda hurts, and even eating gets felt in the chest. Now I have two different English assignments to do.

go visit your doctor, i hope u are ok ;)

Deleted post
very sad :(( btw r u a boy or girl?

No telling. You're just gonna have to *cough* guess.

...... breh. i guess your a borl
ok i guess i would think ur a girl. mostly cuz your main avatar is female, and in your creator page, you wrote "this is me irl" and that image was a female avatar
also your pfp.. the shoes are backwards... are you.. torturing you character???

I took a pic before I realized my shoes were backwards. It's a sorta embarrassing mistake.

gwsss 🩢

Off… ;( I hope you get better!

Same im sick too 

(1 edit) (+1)

uhm starr idk if ur ok 😭 but maybe its just me but u dont seem quite idk in character? :< r u oky? cause im worried plus i kinda wanna talk to u soon ;(  (starcast)


....saw him today. Don't know what happened later, but he was in disguse name and skin.

I think.


what ya need?

edit .-. also whats wrong with him?

idk just not in character 😭 maybe it’s just me ig just worried….

I've been out of character for a while. Did you notice?

yea… but just I thought you are ok cause you are still active and stuff :<


In game with kid named Join blablabla lol everyone starting joining




bro cooked

really nice!!

Damn who won


Idk if I have shown this but my b4 skin that I have had for about 3 weeks

looks great!

Look cool


(1 edit)

Alr I was wrong the new update stores fix match distribution between maps. I’du ever see me in pubs it’s probably my grinding friends cuz pubs are genuinely one of the most infuriating experiences of all time 

certainly not more than m8m6 at 10am est

Fr pubs are so annoying now

also new vid I through together cus ive been busy lately and im working on a long one

womp womp 

at this time i couldn't verify my gmail acc wouldnt it wouldn't let me upload a thumbnail, forcing me to use part of the video as a thumbnail (thanks dumass yt polciies)

fck sorry I can take the vid down if u want

good night/ morning everyone!! :D



good niiight

good night!! :D

the edit :P also whats wrong with them? if your talkin abt here on itch, they seem normal besides barely being here. i havent seen him in so long :C
wait.. wrong reply

I'd say I'm farely normal


My custom textures for pooster or anyone who wants

My b2 is getting better






Like you're aim or movement or smth?


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When I main b3 my aim on b2...

(10 steps away and moving further) miss 8 shots in a row

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(You should be able to watch)

just an update:

Pink health bar

Added border for bow choosing

custom buttons

next I will do flags

(2 edits)

Normal one is the best this one is just mid
good job for the hard work tho

If by normal u mean the 0187 one this is just a spinoff using that code. This is rudimentary and uncomplete. I am a beginner. Also I don't wanna crash out on so thanks for the constructive criticism.

I wanna test it out tbh its pretty cool.

If u want mine I can post it on github. I use tampermonkey for the custom buttons and stylebot for everything else


(1 edit)

i need the link for it. for the github

Really nice! Can't wait for the flag one


Can you take a photo I don't have YouTube


so here's the custom buttons: 

here's the health bar and bow choosing background border

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