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Congrats!! ;D


good job

(1 edit)

congratulations!! Huge achievement!!


:O nice!

i had them before, but well done!!!I'm jealous of your hands...


congrats, your doing better than me

Nice, looks good !


(1 edit)

Time for deep,restful,relaxing sleep for a few days, I'm so tired 


I hope you have a great sleep!




Bai bai

Alright I'm done for the night here's episode 4 I've been working for hour now

- While  Autumn was asleep and the doctors weren't there Jet put his clothes on and walked out the hospital room door -


- He tries to sneak out but a nurse catches him -


Nurse: And where do you think you're going?


Jet: To get a sandwich? - he tries to make up an excuse -


Nurse: I don't buy that, come on let's go back to your roo-


Jet: He sprints out of the hospital with the security chasing him -


Jet: He smirks -


Jet: He loses them by hiding behind a bush -


Jet: Hehe, lost them


Jet: He then walks home -


- Autumn drives to his house, she wasn't very amused -


Jet: He was sitting on his couch, casually watching his favorite show -


Autumn: Barges in his house once again - How could you leave the hospital like that?


Jet: What? My subscription for Tom and Jerry is almost over, I wanted to watch it at home


Autumn: What? You care about a stupid TV show like that more than your health?? I don't believe this


Jet: He points toward the tv -


Autumn: Rolls eyes - Fine - she sits next to him watching the tv -


- they laugh together while watching TV -


- The next day -


- Autumn came across one of her old friends from childhood today and he was pretty angry because she had been hanging out with Jet-


Autumn: Hey Jet?


Jet: Yeah?


Autumn: I came across one of my old friends today


Jet: Oh really?


Autumn: He wasn't very happy with the fact that I was watching cartoons with my neighbor


Jet: Well, I don't want him to do what I did


Autumn: Yeah… Your right


Jet: Well, I promised one of my friends I would come and visit today so see you!


Autumn: Bye - she frowned a little because he was leaving


Jet: He comes over his friend's house (Jack) and he seemed pretty mad-


Jack: Come in


Jet: He comes in -


Jack: Slams the door after Jet:


Jet: Jeez, are you good


Jack: No, my best friend Amber was hanging out with some random guy last night


Jet: Oh that's too bad, gotta go!


Jack: grabs him by his shirt - What's that in your pocket?


Jet: Nothing, just a picture


- It was a picture Jet and Autumn took last night before Autumn went back to her house -


Jack: He takes it out and looks at it -


Jack: That's, that's Autumn! The hell you think you are?!


Jet: Runs out as fast as he can -

3 episodes in one day!?!? Yahooooooooooo


What is this

Yo mama.

jk, jk

this is such a me thing to do

Hi!! Good evening!

Good evening to you also

good evening to you also also

Good evening! πŸŒ† 

Good evening

Good night

Alright here's ep3

- The next day -


- Jet goes to the bathroom and looks in the cabinet -


- Takes the sleeping pills -


- Little did Jet know his neighbor would be barging in -


Autumn: knocks on the door -


Jet: - no answer -


Autumn: Hello? Anyone home?


Autumn: she comes in -


Autumn: Hellooooo?


Jet: Not now - he says annoyed -


Jet: he hid the pills behind his back and came out of his room -


Autumn: Ah, I was looking for you


Jet: And you are?


Autumn: My name is Autumn, you're new neighbor


Autumn: What's that behind your back


Jet: Eh- Uh- Nothing, nothing


Autumn: takes it - Sleeping pills?


Jet: He looked like he had taken a bit much -


Autumn: Are you?.. Trying to k?-


Jet: Give me those!


Autumn: She throws them in the trash - No!


Jet: Look I don't know you, get out of my house


Autumn: No, listen you need to go to the hospi-


Jet: I DON'T NEED TO GO ANYWHERE!! - he yells -


Autumn: YES YOU DO!


Jet: His eyes were droopy - Just, just go away


Autumn: No don't fall asleep now!! - smacks his face -


Jet: OW!


Autumn: Drags him into her car as he was too sleepy to fight back -


Autumn: Puts him in the back seat, locking the door -


Autumn: drives to the hospital -


Autumn: Drags Jet into the hospital -


Autumn: She checks him in and they put him in a room -


Autumn: Impatiently sits in the waiting room-


Docter: He seems to be fi-


Autumn: Runs past him and into Jet's room -


Docter: Hey! You can't go there - he yells -


- The doctor runs after Autumn but she manages to get in there anyway -


Autumn: Jet are you ok?!


Jet: He looks at her as she looks like she just ran a marathon - I should ask you that


Autumn: Grunts - Are YOU ok though?


Doctor: He leaves them alone seeing it was hopeless to get her out of there -


Jet: I'm fine Autumn - he smiles -


Autumn: Well that's good, I ran a mile to get here


Jet: Autumn, the waiting room is about 6 feet away from my room - he chuckles -


Autumn: laughs -

let’s gooooo, another episode!

Lol your funny

thank you! :D

Your welcome :)

Taking sleeping pills is a bit too relatable πŸ˜”πŸ™

Autumn is a creep o_O

Well, didn't she save Jet's life? o-o

Why dont try to write a story


im officially 1k kills above deaths not much but im getting better :DD 

congrats!! You sure are getting better!

>:D yessirrr

That's great. Ngl I don't know mine I have to check, I'm pretty sure it's bad


nahww as long as ur happy with ur results thats the only thing that matters :>


How inspirational.


No comment

...uhm ok :( 

(1 edit)

nice im 6200 above with a 1.75 kd



I have 24.5k deaths...


Found the culprit lol he doesnt speak English so...

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

9-3 kd and russian name :-: who tf is that bro O_o (also its not them they have updated their game cause u could join cause im assuming you updated)

I was playing on a different computer where I hadn't yet updated

bro jus tryna play m8 :(

Too bad :(


Me and 3 other friendlies were in the piece room on graveyards for 15 min lol

true peace 

(1 edit)

also if yall wondering what the update is

pp fixed the thing where u get some maps a lot more than others like until 3 weeks ago I hadnt had desert map (unless I manually selected it) for a month.

I noticed that it hardly ever gave me a jungle map or a desert map. Like bro give the others a chance

oh! That's really nice! I don’t remember which is the last time I got gatehouse randomly 

thats not the update. The update is, when u select a map to play, the game will now always load you into that map

ohhh ok



i was afraid they would make more ppl play ??? and gatehous

i tried doing that but it didn't work


(1 edit)

code update-not sure what to do with this but I got rid of the health bar lol


honestly kind of a cool glitch

It is ngl

I worded wrong it aint a glitch I coded it

:O really interesting!

(1 edit)

Bro you wasted your time. Settings already have hide game UI.

ye but it hides everything


(1 edit)

been a long time since i've been here lol

This is creepy af


Yeah, fr


Bro I'm 1 year younger in the exact same date and month with starsket

yoo whats good gang long time no see how is everyone? i got coins :DD

Idk you but that is some good lettuce


Um star you're getting little out of hand, ish your life going ok?


Ehem, well what hash happened

nothing .-.


πŸ’° πŸ’ΈπŸ’΅πŸ’ΆπŸ’·πŸ’΄πŸ’³πŸͺ™πŸ’²πŸ’°



oh! Hello! I am great, thx! How about you? :DD

Nice coins!

Yo bro can u spare me like 12

Lol that's fr

im on 62k

What's good

Alright, EP2 continued -

Jet: He punches the wall, bruising his hand -


- poor wall lol -


Jet: He sat on the floor dreading his existence -


- He felt that he was nothing without his friend Amber, that if one went away the other went too -


- Days went by, it was now 11/14 Wednesday 3:21 P.M. exactly -


Jet: Knocks on Breeze's door -


Breeze: opens it - Hey Jet - he says in a sad like manner -


Jet: Hey, any updates? - he hoped he would get some good news, just any news at all -


Breeze: Well, they found the kids, but not Amber - he frowns -


Jet: - looks at the floor for a minute and looks up - How are you guys?


Breeze: I'm ok, but the kids are scared. They miss their mom


Kids: Daddy! Is that Mommy?


Breeze: No, just go back to playing, ok?


Jet: sigh - I wish I could do something, anything!


Breeze: No Jet you shouldn't, it's up to the police not you, not me, we leave it up to them


Jet: If we leave it up to them, Amber will never be found - he says frustrated -


Breeze: Jet don't say that. Just go and get some rest, you look stressed


Jet: I'm NOT stressed Breeze - he yells -


Breeze: Look Jet, go home I don't want the kids to hear you


Jet: Walks away angrily -


- As Jet walks home, he comes across some gangsters -


Gangster #1: Hey, you got any money?


Jet: No, I don't, so leave me alone


Gangster#1: Grabs Jet - We ain't gon' let you off that easy blood


Jet: I ain't blood, now let me off - he punches him in the stomach and splits -


- The thugs tackle Jet and beat him up leaving him on the ground bleeding -


Jet: gets up slowly in pain -


Jet: Ow-


Jet: He comes home and looks in the mirror -


Jet: He had bruises on his face, neck, and leg -


Jet: He punches the mirror, cracking it -


Jet: He looks at the now broken mirror in frustration -


Jet: I hate this


Jet: He bandages his cuts and bruises -


Jet: He then sits on the couch putting his headphones on -


Jet: Listens to music -

ohh so cool!!


Icl guys the sun is kinda hot uwu

o-o what the-



im on my 300 mark, only 700 left until 1,000 πŸ‘

Nice, so am I 

congrats on your 300 mark



nice!! Good luck for the rest!

why thank you my friend

Alright what are y'all thoughts on Trump winning? I'm curious

(1 edit)

w I hope he hangs those commies by their thumbs

oh mey

im just a bystander man

lol, understandable


politics are overly complicated idfag

(2 edits)

idgaf* I'm only interested because I do not want criminals, nor murderers, nor high prices. I will say it's a bit hard to understand sometimes.


Alr heres EP2 cuz I'm bored, again, plus some peeps like it. If you don't know this is a story I'm making during free time which I have a lot of. It's basically just about my oc character Jet and everything surrounding him so here it is.

- A year later -


- Jet knocks on Amber's door -


- Amber rushes to the door -


Amber: Opens it - Jet!


Jet: hi Amber!


Amber: Come in, it's been so long


Jet: He walks in and smells cookies -


Jet: Are those… - Sniff - Cookies?


Amber: Yup! I'm making them for Breeze, but you can have one


Jet: Takes a cookie and munches on it -


Jet: Delishoush - He says with his mouth full -


Amber: So, the reason I brought you over today is to tell you…


Jet: - Swallows the cookie - Tell me what? - looks at the other cookies -


Amber: Me and Breeze got married!


Jet: Really?! I'm so happy for you!


Jet: he hugs Amber -


Amber: Yeah, we even have two girls now


Jet: Wow, where are they?


Amber: They're playing with Breeze at the moment


- Muffled noise in the background - Breeze: DON'T touch that!


Jet: Laughs a little -


- Muffled - Breeze: Hey!!


Amber: So how are you?


Jet: I'm fine, I'm actually looking for a job right now


Amber: Hm, that’s nice, I hope you find a good one, you deserve it


Jet: Thanks. Well, it was nice coming over here


Breeze: AMBAAAR!!


Amber: Coming! Yeah, it was, well I have to go now


Jet: Alright - He smiles and walks out the door -


- Jet continued to look for a job for about a week -


- He went to go check on Amber and Breeze again, it was a Sunday -


Jet: Knocks on the door -


- Breeze comes to the door -


Jet: Hey Breeze, how's it going?


Breeze: Horrible…


Jet: He looks concerned - What happened?


Breeze: Amber and the kids… They're gone


Jet: What?! - His eyes widen, and he starts to pulse back and forth -


Breeze: The police are searching for them Jet, it'll… It'll be fine, I hope


Jet: No, this, this can't happen


Breeze: sigh - I don't know what do anymore, I just can't


Jet: He stood there for a minute and left -


Breeze: Shuts the door -


Jet: Goes home and slams the door -

very nice



u should take my shark attack/narrow one invasion idea :)

XD ok, ok I might fit it in somewhere

star showing his evil side ():

I don't think it's that bad, if it gets any worse, we'll have him talk to a therapist ;)

Baby shark di du di dup. πŸ—£οΈ 🦈




yessss another episode!


Why dont you just write a whole entire book

That's what I'm doing duh :)

Oh look... Just 3 more followers :O until arm reveal. Honestly this is weird lol

Weird no shit cuz of topic

I dO nOt UnDeRsTaNd WhAt cHu SaYiN SiR

Its off topic fr

(1 edit)

I said that like oh... 15 minutes ago bro and nobody said nothin'. Like wdym I was never really on a topic anyway

Am nver on topc



Yall 2 days ago i was at 22k koins and now i am at 30k!!

Keep up the good work man

Rookie numbers

Hey, give em a break



Wow!! Impressive!

What you buyinh

Yust saving up

Hey guys, 4 more followerz

i am the proud owner of 1705 deaths


i think i lost 65 games though

Ah, that's fine, I'm sure most defeats were because of stupid teammates. Because I get stuck with those noobs a bit much.

lol, nah its just because all my teammates left when we were literally winning

Ah, yes that happens to be a LOT xD

Aight so BRO got more deths than kills kill meb bruh





Like literally the best stats ive ever seen πŸ”₯ 🧒 


im wondering how you got 100 elo



he did

(1 edit)

I do say I have not looked at my stuff yet lol


(2 edits)

man you are really skilled, i only have 3190 kills and 168666 points :(

Bruh that's still amazing, don't come down on yourself

its not that good, i bet ansy has more

Well of course ansy he's a legend, we're just soldier ig. Trust me mine is prolly lower

Me- *suicides


Pft that's awesome


dont worry, i have a decent kd (3303 kills to 1817 deaths)


match making is disgusting, spawned in and they had 2 flags captured, was so annoying to fight

Tbh, doesn't keep track of player records/win lose ratio. It just puts players in by equal numbers on each side. Even then it can still add players to a winning team or with a higher number of teamates.

if that's true then they should

Deleted 126 days ago

And nice kd



(1 edit) (+1)

Yea… spawning with two flags already captured is really annoying, nice kd though!


Especially when your teammates are NPCs and don’t know how to return or capture dropped flags

It wouldve been fine as long as they captured while I defended but noo only one could do anything

Also the noobs who betray teams and walk back to flags position or fall into water.



a πŸ—£οΈ πŸ”₯

a cat

First it was meow now it's a? 

I change names random



have ay good day!


im getting better trust πŸ’€πŸ™

You were always good rabit!!

ty 😭

ur ewlcom

gl ig

ye :<

(1 edit)

Potato caught playing three days after saying he's taking a break from da game πŸ—£οΈ

Nice btw

xD tyy ye hes being sneaky fr fr

Got caught tho

this was before i joined πŸ’€


Didn't even change his skin with color hair and 7 focus.


7 focus op trust


(1 edit)

nice :<


Bow 4 isn't a rabit :o


(1 edit)



Kill the guest n-

Drop it :0

squad plz




(Really nice skin by the way XD )

(1 edit)

I stole urs πŸ™ƒ

Ye, I did see that XD

Good night  ~uwu~

Good morning

Gm i woke rm

good morning!



31 kill and 1 death


show proof

I can't

bro is actually guard for kills and deaths proof lmfaoπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­


I got 79-1

Btw what fearless u got

Me? If you talk to me i got hands

10 downvotes is 





Skill issue

I don't doubt it actually.


Nice kd


Show post...

went 50-18 im crazy

I thought u just lurked here lmao

Show post...

I do, I went 50-18 in phantom forces as a console newgen

Good morning:D

I just slept from 4 pm after school to 5 am 😭 

I have school in three hours (2now that I'm typing this at 6 pm)

Show post...

its like 12am for me


What I dont get sentence

Goooood morning!


70 why leave 😭😭

Deleted 127 days ago
(1 edit)

HM7T grind



(1 edit)

hello there can i please join

could you please teach me :))

join what 


either works

also Google classroom being sold on Amazon for 9-33 dollars

and a 30-day return policy not bad


on a website that hosts games: tips for how to get good at narrow one

read number 4πŸ’€

(1 edit)

 So touching fruits gives you regen or what?

was that

(+1) lol


This written by chatgpt. i can tell. i can feel the presence of the language model.

Promt: how to become good in narrow😜

(1 edit) there are levels and power ups...there is an update we are not yet aware of...xD


Wtf is number 4 like what

(1 edit)

WDQH pooster

good night/ morning everyone!! :D

(1 edit)



Good night

good night!! :D



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