Yesterday while playing football I hurt myself…I put a plaster on, and I only took it off looks worse than I thought it would…wasn’t expecting the bruise…doesn’t hurt too much though..
even if the workload heavy you still gotta find time to do other stuff and have fun. you gotta motivate yourself "im doing all of this so i can play with my friends" etc etc.
i used to be doomscrolled on the school laptop and never do my work too . . . dont be like me . . . change the mindset . . . you dont NEED to do the catch up work, you GET to do the catch up work so you can GET into a good college can GET a good job so you can GET to let your parents retire sooner. so yeah just lock in bro hope i see you in game in time for getting the fearless gloves
But I can take two pics next time so u can see, but there's also a problem I'm playing in chrome and u can't take ss, I'm doing share this page to do ss and it tooks 5-6 sec to take a pic(after game finished it gives h 5-6 sec to analyse ur score) that's why sometimes I'm unable to take pics
y’all ever have the irrational fear where u think nobody actually likes u and just pretends to like to make u happy cuz they don’t know how ur gonna react
Most Chinese schools are like this. I don't have any friends, and I also suspect everyone around me, but I don't want to be friends with them, because I don't want to be trapped in the information cocoon with them, and I don't want to be pulled down to the same level by them, especially in high school, friends are both competitors and obstacles to learning.
It's pretty nice. I'm pretty tired and the power went out. Seeing this gives me more enthusiasm to continue for a sparring session tonight. Thank you Rabbit.
Alr I will only be on the N1 community on Friday and Sunday, and possibly Saturday night because I need to get better grades/focus on school. However, my grades at first were around 73% in art and science, now there in the 80s! Yay me.
And the only reason is because my dear mother said I need to be better than average. I need to be the bEsT at it
← Return to game
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is me Ruben_105050$god$ in narrow one
Is me Ruben on narrow One
So sorry BECEASE my name is ⚔?♛|*~RUBEN~*|♛? so sorry my bad change a bit😅 that ur knee?
that looks painful
it is my doesn’t hurt much. Thought
Ur indian?
Pretty sure he is.
?im not indain im european. my mum's polish and my dad's french. i live in uk.. it's just the lighting
I'm asking hydro
hi currry cruncher
could have been a loooooot worse
Gl tho looks like it hurts but it doesn’t really
ive had two that r red asf and over a giant rash scar
that looks painful (also what's a plaster)
ive had that twice
we dont treat that shi itll just heal
why the hell are u showing us ur knee like u tryna get someones attention like be a man get through it fr
im just sayingg cuz i wanted 2. im not tryna get attention. everyone on itch knows me
ouch… Hope you get better!
Show post...
Soft hands brother
Lord have mercy
it doesn't hurt much
it looks like you stabbed your self with a knife with rabies on it, what do you mean it doesn’t hurt?
it's just a bruise with a carpet burn on top
ohhh kk
Tbh dosent look painful yk but that hurt
it doesn't hurt unles i press on it... and where have u been?
Fotball tourney why?
kk..u just haven't been chatting much..
GGs Costa..ur so good
omg costa not being a b1 spammer???
Fake costa fr
No..I asked her on dc
ye were friwnds
my longest life ever in bitlife
wrong game
hey bro 2 . . .
even if the workload heavy you still gotta find time to do other stuff and have fun. you gotta motivate yourself "im doing all of this so i can play with my friends" etc etc.
i used to be doomscrolled on the school laptop and never do my work too . . . dont be like me . . . change the mindset . . . you dont NEED to do the catch up work, you GET to do the catch up work so you can GET into a good college can GET a good job so you can GET to let your parents retire sooner. so yeah just lock in bro hope i see you in game in time for getting the fearless gloves
that’s a lot of gets
This took so long... Starsket saved me, so thank you to him.
God damn nice job
i wanted to have a kd of 4:1 , i was missing 6 kills
chronyxxxx (ignore the music)
that was u!!! such w kill
are you proud of my 1v1?
so is it u and arna is the finals
no, i'm in semifinal, arna is in quarter final
yes :D
that kill was crazy btw...ur good at every bow
tyyy :3
how does the vid not appear on the channel's page
Probably because it is unlisted (only accessible via link)
bro wth
it’s the song from the vid
fire fr
bringing back memories
I sub
HYDROOOOOOOO omfg :-: hai
💀🙏 suits you ig
I’m not biased or anything but didn’t you call yourself an “indian curry muncher”??
I don't remember friends being this harsh to each other...
Hellloooo!! How are you? :D
hello fellow human being
it's a drawing of rikki's skin request but in diffrent poses. this guy elevated it to the next level go see it
Omg, that's actually so incredible! I never thought it would reach such a level, but that? Ohhh~that is just...
I can't open this link...
Oh, I see. That is alright, it doesn't take bias to appreciate art. I'll still keep it since it's good.
Well,,, you need VPN to check my latest works🤓👆🌹
pls watch this vid
i cooked with b4 btw..sleeky if u see this pls be proud of me..xD
nice nice... ngl i think i would cook in this tourney (as long as my mouse starts working again)
wat happened to ur mouse?
Yeah you would cook absolutely everyone
I have no idea what happened. It just stopped working
check the happened to me with my mouse and keyboard (2x for my keyboard)
You played very well
tyty...would u wanna 1v1 some time soon?
Legend never die narrow one history!
im no legend bro
new legend legends aresnadow and naju
100k kills!!!
YAY congrats!!!!
u would probably cook 97% of all n1 players on discord in a 1v1
maybe not, more like 80%
I’d say 80-90
around that..wanna 1v1?
You would cook Potato.
how do u know? he is goated with b4
baked potato ahh comment
I have only 20k ;-;!
im at 12k (probably have more kills unrecorded than recorded)💀
congratulations!! 🎉🎊🎉🎉👍🎊🎉
am I cooking?
can I use this and credit u for a suggestion in peli
I mean sure ig?
I men theres a better version in share creation anyway
oh yeah b tw here's the sligthly better version
very nice
m8m6 is 2 ez
yeah...there were other people as was so laggy....
when the only person on the other team is senpai spider its gonna be easy
they all ragequited
Can anyone pls suggest a lego set*6urYw-3823309-1606623-10
i was thinkin like or
not this monstrosity
but ok
oh it doesnt deliver to me and its 18 plus
I made a lego lambo
Oh I forgot
Happy thxgivin
b2 only
Y u -1lol
very nice!
Bow 5 pro gameplay :), my k:d was 4:1 but cuz of rushing it gone .-.
still very nice!
show the whole game pls. then we'll judge whether ur pro or not
I can't record videos, there are some restriction on me bud ;-;!
i mea whole pic of the stats of game
Lmao, I'm playing vertically in smartphone (not in iPad) so it's hard (impossible) to take pic of full score .-.
But I can take two pics next time so u can see, but there's also a problem I'm playing in chrome and u can't take ss, I'm doing share this page to do ss and it tooks 5-6 sec to take a pic(after game finished it gives h 5-6 sec to analyse ur score) that's why sometimes I'm unable to take pics
ok, can't u play on pc or laptop? i play on pc all the time
I found a hacker in a public match .-. , but he isn't pro lol, and a fun fact he using fearless items ig he had bow 1 fearless tip
What is wrong with u
lol ty
POV: You’re forced to carry your team:
Agenttt yaaayyy
Hi :D
where were u lol
can u help me what's the div to get rid of the black semitransparent filter on the scoreboard
Now gggggg
I mean i did the void in 1 go
its very easy
did it Three times already
Just 1v1ed Big joe...I lost 2 1v1s and won the last 1 (b5 only)
Ohio boys
Joe is good
Erm my sister is genz born near ohio
hi, i got 99 kill and 3 death.
That's cool!
probably coin kept add
y’all ever have the irrational fear where u think nobody actually likes u and just pretends to like to make u happy cuz they don’t know how ur gonna react
bro u ok
yeah. it's called cynicism
i do think abt that sometimes but i dont think of it as a fear
Most Chinese schools are like this. I don't have any friends, and I also suspect everyone around me, but I don't want to be friends with them, because I don't want to be trapped in the information cocoon with them, and I don't want to be pulled down to the same level by them, especially in high school, friends are both competitors and obstacles to learning.
Yeah lol 👀
Rabit ois the best artist on itch
😭 I’m really not but credit to: starsket, tiny, the guy who does stick man :-:, naaaayyuuuuu, and all the other artists
I’m not that good o_o but ty and thx anyways :D
Come on 🙌 I'm not very good at drawing, but I can see that you have strength.
謝謝 :DDD
nononono your are pro :D
I’m good but not pro ty tho 😭
ur not pro ur god
good night/ morning everyone!! :D
9:17,mao ning
nighty night!! ;)
good night!! :D
help I had to freehand this 😭🙏 cause it’s wood and I can’t copy it also sry I’m a lil late to the party mb
It's pretty nice. I'm pretty tired and the power went out. Seeing this gives me more enthusiasm to continue for a sparring session tonight. Thank you Rabbit.
Even if it's not complete.
Uuuff about the power but noicenoice about ur sparring :D gl and np as always
Second time this month lol. I'll have the warmth of a chimney tho.
It's a beautiful👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍
thx :D
Just telling the truth
I can see smth in the back
Wood carving? 🤔️ But the painting is very good 😌👍🏻
not quite cause I’m drawing on a piece of wood
Looll tytyy
thats so good for freehand :D
Close Game WWWW
um..wat is this kd?
a year??? I've played with him a few weeks/month ago
ik but he's barely playing and he hasnt played for a while
Fax i plaz a Game a week
In mz Glorz days Avg was 60 kills per game
Idk about it what do you think?
HI Everyone
Havoc For Rome
Well Hi
hallo. i will be posting code in a hour
Hello! How are you doing?
we got to 30,000 posts let’s gooo
Working on another edit, I hope it turns out good 🙏🙏🙏
Can’t wait to see that!
Not happy about it, especially because my dad shushed me through the whole game.
Funny stuff about the Cleavlands :3
Wow there's someone on the team with the last name "Thrash" Just remove the "h" and it'll be perfect :)
I live in Ohio and I'm close to Cleavland and I said it's sad I don't root for my own team. My dad said "It's not sad, their sad." XD
I was rollin.
the 30,000th comment
I think Rikki is a little cranky
Wut did I miss this time?
Rikki wants to be a comedian and disrespect me, turns out nobody liked his joke
Ah ok
Oof I did it again... Switching accounts
Alr I will only be on the N1 community on Friday and Sunday, and possibly Saturday night because I need to get better grades/focus on school. However, my grades at first were around 73% in art and science, now there in the 80s! Yay me.
And the only reason is because my dear mother said I need to be better than average. I need to be the bEsT at it
So yes, this means I will, and have missed everything from Monday to Thursday :( So what in the world is this void thing
the void is basically the end of the game but you can play it multiple times, the link to the new game is:
Yay for your improvement!
80 is considered average 💀
80 is avg!? Bro I like can’t come home wit an 80….
In my home yes indeed