My study pressure has become greater, and the computer network has also been cut off💪 Because I can't play N1 on my mobile phone, I haven't experienced the new mode.
ok ima just say it, if you dont like american football keep it to urself, it's actually so fucking annoying seeing all these people talking abt how the superbowl/football sucks when most of them have never seen it before, like it somehow makes them cool or smth (yes im genuinely pissed about this bc it's something i care about)
I thought about a bad insult bc Chronxy got more fearless lol, it goes, “I bet that your headset dent is below sea level.”
It’s stoopid…am I dum for thinking this?
😭 BRO IVE GOTTEN TO THE POINT when in sorta ded m8 i play b3 and more snipy and people keep saying im hacking 💀’GUYS THE RABIT GUY HAS HAX’ - random guest in m8
they dont belive in the power of track pad D: fun fact, i used track pad when i started the game but without wasd. i used arrow keys .-. i was also stupid and forgot my chromebook was touchscreen so for a year i was using trackpad when i could have done wasd and touchscreen attack
why is there so many bugs in the new n1 game modes in hills map in team deathmatch or other game modes u can walk through all around the water, i personally think i can walk to the hills fruit with this bug what do u guys think?
oh yeah tip i found for field alt koth :P if you just look down at the edge and strafe behind your half of the bridge snipers directly infront have to confront be at disadvantage if you have support
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let's just not respond to him, or mention him from now on. he's getting the attention he wants and if we stop giving it to him he'll shut up
w btw wanna play n1 lol
i'll be in m8 for a few min
I don't wanna respond bu t my reps at stake
Rage bait ahh mf
Bro telling me to kys?
all i did is answer his question. 💀
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Its been a month since i waited for that sc acc
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sounds like
a month
lemme do sam rq
that's the attitude :D
chill guy fr
Too far like tf
Did u just delete acc?
he gave me it ok ppls
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do it anakin 🙏 😹
-_- guess what :D
I'm alive?
Yeah....even though nobody likes him you still shouldn't delete his account. That's just wrong.
i didnt it was a joke btw ica acc back :o
alr back from the dead checking chat aaaaand what da fuck is bro on😂
Alr everybody mass block the guy below me
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will do
oh now im the guy bellow you 😭
he meant the mutton curry kid
Mutton curry kid?
the good old when a random hater appears and starts spamming and we get to roast them
..why pooster and rikki
Check the prev comments
And now you hate me too?!
when the fuck did I say I hate you 💀
man fuck you
if a magician dies and revives in another genaration has he changed to another generation?
idc about alto and pooster
Dude, at your age I was still running outside. You're here in Itch spreading brain rot
Just gonna drop a ‘hello’ to ya, even if you haven’t been online k? Hope you’re doing well.
My study pressure has become greater, and the computer network has also been cut off💪 Because I can't play N1 on my mobile phone, I haven't experienced the new mode.
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ok ima just say it, if you dont like american football keep it to urself, it's actually so fucking annoying seeing all these people talking abt how the superbowl/football sucks when most of them have never seen it before, like it somehow makes them cool or smth (yes im genuinely pissed about this bc it's something i care about)
Ok that’s cool, but football sucks
not taking the rage bait
Fr, stay strong mossy
ty bro, somebody finally gets it :D
Btw do u hate me Or u cool
nah I rly hate it
it’s just an opinion. If u care abt it good for u im just saying it didn’t interest me persoanally.
this post wasn't rly about you, like whatever tf you want but dont diss it if you dont rly care about it
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Ok that’s cool, but football sucks
if ur gonna, rag at least dont copy what someone else said 5 hours ago
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Ok that’s cool, but football sucks
ok bot
Rikki(me) face reveal😄👇
Bro created a one minute gif so we could skip the minute💀
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nice fave reveal
I thought about a bad insult bc Chronxy got more fearless lol, it goes, “I bet that your headset dent is below sea level.” It’s stoopid…am I dum for thinking this?
sea level just seems weird
Bluds headphone dent bouta touch his skull
Idk if its stupid
Jwy does everyone hate me?
Tell me the reason and I'll try fixing
Stop acting goofy stop spamming in itch cause its getting annoying
honestly i don’t even care about ur opinion so go kys
LMAO bro said say the reason and lil bro got mad😂😂😂😂😂💀
no srsly
His opinion=trash
nah pretty good lil bro. ur posting way to much shit that isnt even related
dont ask for it if you cant take it, you asked him a question and he gave you an honest answer
grow tf up bro
i swear man its me
bc ur 55% of the messages on this page are from you and most of them are brainrot, bad jokes, or jokes at innapropriate times.
meh I’m the class clown
you got the clown part right
class clown
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just a clown 😹
wdym i not as online on itch as the prev days
doesn't seem like it
Brainrot but I'm cool with you
yay ill stop brainrotting
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ugh image quality on itch is garbage
Bunch of shenanigans
Last one looks like he's in question 1 in the last minute
The circle game
:00 fire as usual
brooooo?!?!?! hullo?!
i dont even got a phone bruh
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What happened
Just bought b3 fearless handle, i'm poor now...i'm at 14 fearless!!
How much coins do u got rn
And what’s ur max amount
i got 10k, max i had at once was 205k i think
big w lmao
thats cool lol, do you have full fearless gear?
I have 2
Hi guys ready for the super bowl
fuck the chiefs and go eagles
Overrated ass sport
take that back >:(
take it back or u like b1
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chat is dead so here's a b4 match
Big w
It’s really nice.
How you doing
I’m sorry but I just need to post this idk why but here ….
Hydro u have dc?
its really urgent
guys i srsly need skins my skins got deleted
devs deleted ur items?
presets got deleted
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then remake them 💀
I forg
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humanity is deep fried
Fr these gen beta.....
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bud you do realize that gen betas are born this year
think abt a skin then make it?
I need suggestion
From pros
bro i aint giving u my skins.
why cant u just make it your self cause aint nobody giving u a skin
remaking the presets❌
Asking ppl on itch for skins for the hundredth time✅
Make new ones by yourself
womp womp
…Honestly, I have no bond/trust to anyone on Itch(besides Fu), and I would betray anyone else to get more coins.
Based on the fact that you join and then left without helping I'd say that's true.
To bad this isn't WW2 era Russia... If it was though, we'd have a rigged trial and a public execution to discourage other traitors. 🫠
Too bad, at least you could try to kill me. It would be easier for you, since I’m bored.
yeeeeeeeeeaaahhhh, love the posters
Same but I trust brokengod, iceflow, fu, starsket, statcast, and bowboi
i'm not trusted, so sad
Oh and you too I forgor
jk, but thx anyway, i think i trust starcast, u and potato, oh and bowboi
Depends what I'm trusting on u
If it's my acc no
If it's smth to do like go cook smbdy, then yes
the amewican way🥺
?*eagle noises*
also as an american fuck trump
at least not tamale harris +
chinese bow 7 (needs gunpowder)
Good idea, but it would make all the other bows look weak.
I mean they could make it so you take some knock back each time u fire ur shits with the bow and make it slow like it is with b3 you never know 🤷♂️
— Hydrocholorostorine
The ppl who left in 23 after seeing this: Yay mods arse here
B1 Spammers just got a new foe
Ggs Pooster ;)
That was one rough match
I thought were were cooked for good until you showed up and tipped the balance
Ggs 🤝 i was just speed running but ''Jump U Win '' is a bow 2 spammer
A textbook example if ever i saw one
earlier they were spamming bow 1
9562 was legitimately good though, aside from a few poost spam moments.
I hate spammmers of any kind so Jump U Win is now cooked
Bro 1:
ok new king of the hill game mode is actually fun, best new game mode so far
5 stun 5 reload b5+ KOTH+ fields is a 10/10
yeah, saw ur match end
downvote me for no reason
(not tryna seek attention just bored af)
ur welcome moss!!
Plus or minus
i need skins
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tbf i think there are no more original good skins to make anymore until we get more gear
ok but give some good skins pls
u said u quit narrow one though
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no thanks,they are mine and unique 🥰
same here
lol nice teqnique
btw u have dc?
its really urgent
try full king with a font so fancy its hard to read
i think it would suit you quite well
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nah XD
….i see what u mean tho lol
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star get discord pls :<
Full fearless armor
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just stand here with high regen,noobs didnt notice me untill i attacked them xd
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also you can't be shot through the fence
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i reccomend using a black skin with some brown gear,the church torso is proly the best because it has 10 regen and its brownish
when u play against half decent players, this strat rlly falls off hard
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Yessir just camp the ladder and mow down the guests with easy hs
Whenever i do that with b5 i get kicked for cheats 🙃
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i get kicked for cheat code 1 for being on the ladder no matter the bow,ill ping jesper
Cheat code 1 is for flying so ur probs on a ladder for too long
How to know if you are pro
KD is a good way👍🏻
when ppl accuse you of hacking
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black theme 👎
what ru smoking my guy, dark mode is wayyy better
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on narrow one,no
also its gray not black so ew
ur a pro :D
i think ur just built different if ur accused of hacking when ur on a phone
fr 😭
😭 BRO IVE GOTTEN TO THE POINT when in sorta ded m8 i play b3 and more snipy and people keep saying im hacking 💀’GUYS THE RABIT GUY HAS HAX’ - random guest in m8
remember when i 1v1d that one idiot and he accused me of cheating
😔 how dare also W skills
rabbit u have dc?
its urgent
...what kinda urgent
why is there so many bugs in the new n1 game modes in hills map in team deathmatch or other game modes u can walk through all around the water, i personally think i can walk to the hills fruit with this bug what do u guys think?
Nah I think it's a feature now
its an update bruh
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good joke pal 😹 also this even better
But in hindi🙃
This better
1kbps ahh audio
too quiet?
no it sounds kinda low qlt
“there’s a specific angle where the headphones work” ahh music
Its public now, hopefully more challenging
Nothing like a little relaxing 2d Naval game in the evening ;)
ships 3d is way better
oh yeah tip i found for field alt koth :P if you just look down at the edge and strafe behind your half of the bridge snipers directly infront have to confront be at disadvantage if you have support
What I don't get it
are we back?
There's still life in the old dawg ;)
W kd
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hmmmmm who is "unc getting old"?
could it be that one b6 user?😼