Melee, map and more! Narrow one update 🏹

Hello dearest reader! 

First of all, sorry for the delay on the dev log. We were working on a different project but no worries we are back to the narrow one realm. 



🎺 Hooraahh🎺  its here! ⚔️  Finally finally melee weapons added to narrow one ⚔️ . We wanted to add them to the game since the first month of development. a long long time ago, but never really got to it...until now.....

slice gush gush

Swing chop chop splash gush gush

Developing the melee was quite a big task, heres a quick summary the steps of development. 

At first we needed to work on support for carrying multiple weapons. So far in the game you could only hold 1 weapon and no secondary. With that done, it's now time we start working on switching weapons. We added new point on the body to hold the secondary weapon, which is different depending on the type and size of the weapon. 

super interesting sketch

After making this super elaborate sketch and plan out how the weapons should work. 

Let's work on the mechanics of the weapons now, shall we? Building the different weapon styles with different player input and weapon perks.

All the melee weapons are basically divide in 6 categories: light bladed, heavy bladed, light blunt, heavy blunt and light poke and you guessed it, heavy poke. Each class has a different way of handling, for instance, light bladed weapons slice and heavy blunt weapons require to be charged up before being able to swing them. 

This required a lot of testing and tweaking. Trying to give every weapon a little unique ability that is not overpowered or too complicated. 

Now it's time for, player poses for the melee weapons. Every type of weapon has about 4 poses, a pose for the shop, pose for switching weapons and all this for male or female. 

The different melee categories use different animation, some animation provide extra feedback to the player. For instance the animation of blunt weapons changes depending on if you hit the other player. 

Testing poke weapons

The melee weapons also needed some new sounds. Luckily it's not our first game that uses knife slice sounds, so we could reuse some sounds from previous recorded knife chopping. Now its time for some animations  for the weapons.For the release of melee we wanted to have a big catalogue of melee weapons and not start of with 3 and fill it gradually. So we made about 30+ melee weapons. While modelling the batch of weapons, I couldn't stop thinking about how weird it is how many tools our ancestors came up with for beating each others brains out. Back to the game, the melee update is now almost done, we just need to make add them to the shop, give them stats and prices. Create the shop sub category and draw the icons. 

Thank you for the patience with the forever wait for melee weapons. It was quite a big task, and took us about a month of development time. We try to keep the melee mechanics simple but interesting. It was also important to us that the bows would still be the main weapon of the game. We are really happy how it turned out. 

Perks of the different melee classes



Bladed light weapons are good for fast slicing, hold the mouse button to keep stabbing. Keep in mind that holding the button too long will exhaust your player, resulting in a slower stab per minute.

The heavy version slices slower, but deals way more damage. It can also be charged. The range is much further en wider. 



Blunt weapons stun an enemy. After you hit someone with an hammer, they wont be able to walk so fast anymore (although in a way logical it sounds very violent). The light blunt weapons don't require to be charged up, but have less range. The heavy blunt weapons slow your walk speed down while charging, but after a while your walking speed will increase again. 



The poke weapons have a far reach but have less horizontal spread, so watch your aim. Also the heavy poke weapons can be charged up and can be used to launch yourself. 

Besides the categories, every melee weapon now has it own stats. The stats adjust the damagereach and speed of every weaponSo try out some weapons and find out which works best for you. 

Enough reading, now it is time for you to switch to melee weapons by pressing 'Q' and start beating plebs with a variety of object, pointy ones, heavy ones and pokey ones. My personal favourite, is hitting someone with a frying pan. BONK

pan and egg

New map

Remember that halloween a few months ago, that was a special time, out of nowhere, a special seasonal map popped up, the map might have felt a little rushed and not much later it disappeared again. 

Well, it got a big makeover, and it's back for good, Graveyard

graveyard tower

What changed you ask? well, quite a few things. Really? yeah really. Alright. alright? 

  • The flag mausoleums moved further away from each other.  
  • The halloween decoration is removed
  • Two hanging bridges connect the islands. 
  • some more vertical platforms are added
  • The spawn has been moved into a spawn tower, with a top floor good for sniping
  • The flag mausoleum has an entrance in the back
  • The grave spawn holes are gone.
  • The secret easter egg has been moved 🤫
  • Holes in some of the gates around the graveyard.
  • The little island jump has been moved, it was too hard to jump on
  • The grave keepers hut has been moved
  • An extra mausoleum has been added, that has been grave robbed
  • And some small changes, that I forgot.

graveyard bridge

A new map usually comes with some new gear, for the graveyard we decided to add the grave keepers tools: pickaxe and shovel.

new tools

We are now a 15 maps again. Perfectly filled the 3 grid but it doesn't even fit in the box vertically anymore.


Alleys map changes


We redid all the colliders of the rooftops of alleys, and removed the invisible walls that prevented players from climbing around. It is now possible to sword jump unsuspecting players. Hope the changes make the map more enjoyable. If not we could always revert it to what it used to be. Let us know!

Shop updates

shop hover

We've changed the UI from shop items a bit. Previously some of the items weren't very visible, but now these items appear larger. And to make things worse, locked item had a huge lock icon in front of them. But now when you hover over them, all the icons disappear and the item becomes twice the size. Making your sweet gear much more clearly visible.

Whats next?

We will probably first add a few more melee weapons, design some fearless armor style melee weapons and fix some minor bugs before we start any big task again. 

If we start working on bigger tasks it will probably be something on this list, be we haven't decided yet.

  • better shop visualisation and make armor stats more clearerererer? 
  • Arrow skins with stats?
  • Emotes?
  • Possibly new game mode?
  • Placeable items?
  • New map (probably cold snowy map)?

Hope you will be there to test out the game with us.

Thanks for reading

Pelican party

random video at the end:


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fuck shit

I hate sorwds users so I called them stupid sorwd user AKA SSU?

Damn it all change with this update right here


Good game

can we make a coin reward or a new game mode pls 

wait is it still possible to jump on roof in alley map now?

srry i don't understand

yes, it is still possible

what does the key item do

Can we have special units for certain maps like wizards and canoneer?

Add zombie defence game mode pls 

clan update?

can we have a 7th bow

i wish they will

yes pls

hmmmm this game is so nice


We need a new devlog. 


I will lose my sanity in a few moments.


+ pls explain goofy ahh dmg cap



+ why I can one-shot people with my bow 3.



(1 edit) (+1)

Bows are all out of whack and damage doesn't make sense, but there are no patch notes to explain anything.




pls a opción to send and receive money from other players👍👍👍👍

Hi guys




Can have a speed guide/stat table, so I can make the fastest build ever? Please send as pdf. Thanks! Also, do all characters have the same speed? If so, is it only what they are wearing and holding that makes them slower or faster?

if u have discord I can DM you, overall it’s pretty complicated

Great update

(1 edit)

This is the most major update since Towers…

Why Towers? They added skins, coins, account systems, etc.  That was big considering before that, your points don’t reward you and you have three basic skins, and you’re all guests…

I love this update. Thanks for bringing back Graveyard. Thank you for your backbreaking developments to make this game better for us. I highly appreciate your talent and dedication. Some people make games and then not much people play, they give up. But you guys kept going despite the lack of players and look where it got you. We thank you.

very good update

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